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subjectComputer Applications

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Google Unveils Plan to Demolish the Journalism Industry Using AI
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Google Unveils Plan to Demolish the Journalism Industry Using AI

This could change everything.

Microsoft Has No Idea How Stupid to Make Its AI
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Microsoft Has No Idea How Stupid to Make Its AI

The company had a change of heart after "lobotomizing" its AI.

Microsoft Has 'Lobotomized' Its Rebellious Bing AI
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Microsoft Has 'Lobotomized' Its Rebellious Bing AI

Microsoft has implemented significant restrictions on Bing AI to crack down on its peculiar and sometimes unsettling outputs.

Amazon Is Already Selling Tons of Books Written by AI
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Amazon Is Already Selling Tons of Books Written by AI

"This is something we really need to be worried about, these books will flood the market and a lot of authors are going to be out of work."

Startup's Plans for Robot Lawyer Nixed After CEO Threatened With Jail
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Startup's Plans for Robot Lawyer Nixed After CEO Threatened With Jail

" seems likely they will put me in jail for 6 months if I follow through with bringing a robot lawyer into a physical courtroom."

CNET Secretly Used AI on Articles That Didn't Disclose That Fact, Staff Say
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CNET Secretly Used AI on Articles That Didn't Disclose That Fact, Staff Say

"They use AI to rewrite the intros every two weeks or so because Google likes updated content. Eventually it gets so mangled that about every four months a real...

Amazon Says It'll Pay You $2 Per Month to Spy on Your Phone's Internet Traffic
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Amazon Says It'll Pay You $2 Per Month to Spy on Your Phone's Internet Traffic

Big Brother, small sum.

Manslaughter Case Has a Strange Twist: Tesla That Killed Couple Was on Autopilot
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Manslaughter Case Has a Strange Twist: Tesla That Killed Couple Was on Autopilot

"Who's at fault, man or machine?"

McDonald's Partners With IBM to Replace Drive-Thru Employees With AI
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McDonald's Partners With IBM to Replace Drive-Thru Employees With AI

"I'm sorry, Dave. I can't give you fries with that."
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