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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Google Unveils Plan to Demolish the Journalism Industry Using AI
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Google Unveils Plan to Demolish the Journalism Industry Using AI

This could change everything.

Microsoft Has No Idea How Stupid to Make Its AI
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Microsoft Has No Idea How Stupid to Make Its AI

The company had a change of heart after "lobotomizing" its AI.

Microsoft Has 'Lobotomized' Its Rebellious Bing AI
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Microsoft Has 'Lobotomized' Its Rebellious Bing AI

Microsoft has implemented significant restrictions on Bing AI to crack down on its peculiar and sometimes unsettling outputs.

Jury Rules that NFTs Aren't Really Art
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Jury Rules that NFTs Aren't Really Art

Better luck next time, NFT bros.

Startup's Plans for Robot Lawyer Nixed After CEO Threatened With Jail
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Startup's Plans for Robot Lawyer Nixed After CEO Threatened With Jail

" seems likely they will put me in jail for 6 months if I follow through with bringing a robot lawyer into a physical courtroom."

Meta Board Trashes Facebook's 'Convoluted and Poorly Defined' Female Nipple Rule
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Meta Board Trashes Facebook's 'Convoluted and Poorly Defined' Female Nipple Rule

Facebook's rules, the board acknowledged, are "extensive and confusing" and "often convoluted and poorly defined," requiring bizarre, subjective content moderation...

CNET Secretly Used AI on Articles That Didn't Disclose That Fact, Staff Say
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CNET Secretly Used AI on Articles That Didn't Disclose That Fact, Staff Say

"They use AI to rewrite the intros every two weeks or so because Google likes updated content. Eventually it gets so mangled that about every four months a real...

CNET Is Quietly Publishing Entire Articles Generated By AI
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CNET Is Quietly Publishing Entire Articles Generated By AI

Absent an official announcement of the program, it appears CNET leadership is trying to keep the experiment as lowkey as possible. 

Amazon Says It'll Pay You $2 Per Month to Spy on Your Phone's Internet Traffic
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Amazon Says It'll Pay You $2 Per Month to Spy on Your Phone's Internet Traffic

Big Brother, small sum.

U.S. Government to Crack Down on 'Bossware' That Spies On Employees' Computers
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U.S. Government to Crack Down on 'Bossware' That Spies On Employees' Computers

"Close, constant surveillance and management through electronic means threaten employees' basic ability to exercise their rights."

Scientists Jack Into Subjects' Brains, Find That They Can Identify Deepfakes Subconsciously
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Scientists Jack Into Subjects' Brains, Find That They Can Identify Deepfakes Subconsciously

Okay, that's weird.

Neural Networks Generate Demonic Simpsons Characters Straight From Hell
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Neural Networks Generate Demonic Simpsons Characters Straight From Hell

What's growing out of Bart's head!?

Automotive Lobbying Group Abandons the Term 'Self-Driving'
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Automotive Lobbying Group Abandons the Term 'Self-Driving'

That's Tesla's mess to deal with.

McDonald's Partners With IBM to Replace Drive-Thru Employees With AI
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McDonald's Partners With IBM to Replace Drive-Thru Employees With AI

"I'm sorry, Dave. I can't give you fries with that."

The FBI Buying 140 Robots to Handle Paper Records
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The FBI Buying 140 Robots to Handle Paper Records

The robots will glide along an overhead track, drop down at the right place, and retrieve whatever file or record is needed.

CA Says General Motors Can Test Fully Driverless Cars on Its Roads
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CA Says General Motors Can Test Fully Driverless Cars on Its Roads

"Before the end of the year, we'll be sending cars out onto the streets of SF—without gasoline and without anyone at the wheel," Cruise CEO Dan Ammannwrote in a...

MSN Fires Journalists, Replaces Them With AI
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MSN Fires Journalists, Replaces Them With AI

Microsoft announced that it's laying off dozens of journalists, editors, and other workers at MSN and its other news divisions.

Trash Talk From an AI Could Help Humans Cooperate Better
From ACM TechNews

Trash Talk From an AI Could Help Humans Cooperate Better

Researchers have developed an algorithm to help artificial intelligence and humans learn to cooperate.

A New AI That Detects 'deception' May Bring an End to Lying as We Know It
From ACM TechNews

A New AI That Detects 'deception' May Bring an End to Lying as We Know It

The Deception Analysis and Reasoning Engine uses artificial intelligence to autonomously detect deception in courtroom trial videos.

DARPA Launches Subterranean Challenge to Improve ­nderground Ops
From ACM TechNews

DARPA Launches Subterranean Challenge to Improve ­nderground Ops

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Subterranean Challenge asks participants to develop systems that could help humans map, traverse, and search...
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