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authorGary Anthes

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Big Brother Is Watching You
From ACM News

Big Brother Is Watching You

Not only that, facial recognition technologies inform him of who you are and what you did.

Open Source Software No Longer Optional
From Communications of the ACM

Open Source Software No Longer Optional

Open development and sharing of software gained widespread acceptance 15 years ago, and the practice is accelerating.

From Communications of the ACM

Estonia: A Model For E-Government

Over the next decade, the population of Estonia is expected to soar more than 600% as the country becomes the first in the world to open its borders to an influx...

Computer Security: Who You Gonna Call?
From ACM News

Computer Security: Who You Gonna Call?

Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) stand ready to battle ever-more-sophisticated cyberthreats. 

Chips Go Upscale
From Communications of the ACM

Chips Go Upscale

After decades in Flatland, the end of Moore's Law is pushing semiconductors into the third dimension.

Revamping Storage Performance
From Communications of the ACM

Revamping Storage Performance

Great strides are being made in finding fast alternatives to the slow disks that dominate storage systems, but fast media are not nearly enough.

Invasion of the Mobile Apps
From Communications of the ACM

Invasion of the Mobile Apps

The market model pioneered by Apple and others is transforming the software world — and has profound implications for software companies and their customers.

Security in the Cloud
From Communications of the ACM

Security in the Cloud

Cloud computing offers many advantages, but also involves security risks. Fortunately, researchers are devising some ingenious solutions.

Robots Gear Up For Disaster Response
From Communications of the ACM

Robots Gear Up For Disaster Response

After 15 years of research, robots for search and rescue may be nearing prime time.
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