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dateMore Than a Year Ago
authorHarvard University John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Building Robust Optical Structures Made of Darkness
From ACM TechNews

Building Robust Optical Structures Made of Darkness

A team of Harvard University researchers harnessed metasurfaces to generate and manipulate dark regions in electromagnetic fields called "optical singularities."...

3D-Knitted Robots
From ACM TechNews

3D-Knitted Robots

Researchers printed soft robots using three-dimensional (3D) knitting technology.

Cyborg Technology Analyzes Functional Maturation of Stem-Cell Derived Heart Tissue
From ACM TechNews

Cyborg Technology Analyzes Functional Maturation of Stem-Cell Derived Heart Tissue

A "cyborg" technique developed by Harvard University researchers can monitor the functional maturation of heart tissue using nanoelectronics.

Harvard, AWS Alliance to Advance Research in Quantum Science
From ACM TechNews

Harvard, AWS Alliance to Advance Research in Quantum Science

Harvard University and Amazon Web Services have partnered to further faculty-led quantum networking research.

Tuning Sound Waves on Chip
From ACM TechNews

Tuning Sound Waves on Chip

Harvard University researchers have shown that acoustic waves can be controlled and modulated with an electric field on chip.

Shifting Colors for On-Chip Photonics
From ACM TechNews

Shifting Colors for On-Chip Photonics

On-chip frequency shifters can convert light in the gigahertz frequency range using continuous and single-tone microwaves.

Robotic Swarm Swims Like a School of Fish
From ACM TechNews

Robotic Swarm Swims Like a School of Fish

Fish-inspired robots can synchronize their movements like an actual school of fish, without outside control.

Next-Generation Cockroach-Inspired Robot Is Small, but Mighty
From ACM TechNews

Next-Generation Cockroach-Inspired Robot Is Small, but Mighty

The researchers say the new robot is one of the smallest and most dexterous robots created to date.

The Tentacle Bot
From ACM TechNews

The Tentacle Bot

Researchers have engineered an octopus-inspired soft robotic arm that grasps, moves, and manipulates objects of all shapes, sizes, and textures.

RoboBee Powered by Soft Muscles
From ACM TechNews

RoboBee Powered by Soft Muscles

Researchers have developed a resilient RoboBee powered by soft artificial muscles that can experience collisions without being damaged.

Self-Folding 'Rollbot' Paves the Way for Fully Untethered Soft Robots
From ACM TechNews

Self-Folding 'Rollbot' Paves the Way for Fully Untethered Soft Robots

New soft robotic systems inspired by origami can move and change shape in response to external stimuli.
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