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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Open Source Hardware Movement Seeks Legitimacy
From ACM TechNews

Open Source Hardware Movement Seeks Legitimacy

A group of technologists recently established the Open Source Hardware Association to promote the creation and sharing of hardware or electronic designs.

Google Patents Tech to Serve Ads Based on Background Noise
From ACM TechNews

Google Patents Tech to Serve Ads Based on Background Noise

Google has received a patent for technology that would enable it to deliver advertising based on what it calls "environment conditions."  

Cryptography Pioneer: We Need Good Code
From ACM TechNews

Cryptography Pioneer: We Need Good Code

Whitfield Diffie, a pioneer of public-key cryptography, told the recent Black Hat Europe conference that a good plan to secure software is needed in the age of...

Senators, Critics Question Icann's Generic Tld Plan
From ACM TechNews

Senators, Critics Question Icann's Generic Tld Plan

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers' plan to introduce hundreds of new generic top-level domains next year may be moving too fast, said U.S....

German Court Rules Users Can Modify Free Software
From ACM TechNews

German Court Rules Users Can Modify Free Software

Advocates of free software are hailing a decision by a German court to prevent a DSL router vendor from blocking a software maker from altering the device's Linux...

Xbrl Group Offers Cash Prize For Open Source Tools
From ACM TechNews

Xbrl Group Offers Cash Prize For Open Source Tools

XBRL U.S. has created a competition to encourage the development of better tools that work with the Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) standard for financial...

From ACM TechNews

Law Enforcement Lobbies Hard For Icann Change

U.S. and U.K. law enforcement officials are lobbying ICANN to impose more stringent regulations on registrars for generic top-level domains.

Cheerleader For New Domain Names Defends Icann Plan
From ACM TechNews

Cheerleader For New Domain Names Defends Icann Plan

A pair of recently released reports, authored by University of Chicago professor Dennis Carlton, says that introducing new top-level domains (TLDs) will not force...

From ACM TechNews

Government Cyberattacks Militarize the Web

Distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks are now being used by governments as another way to counter opposition, warns Arbor Networks senior security researcher...

From ACM TechNews

Proposed Law Might Make Wi-Fi ­Users Help Cops

Congressional Republicans have introduced the Internet Security Act, legislation in the U.S. House and Senate that would require Internet service providers (ISPs)...
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