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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

IBM Shares Plans For Supercomputing Future
From ACM TechNews

IBM Shares Plans For Supercomputing Future

IBM is developing a new supercomputing architecture to boost data processing at the storage, memory, and input/output levels. 

Mozilla Woos Programmers With Plans for a Webdev Browser
From ACM TechNews

Mozilla Woos Programmers With Plans for a Webdev Browser

On Monday, the Mozilla Foundation will launch a version of its Firefox browser that will enable developers to build Web pages and applications. 

Harvard ­nleashes a Swarm of Self-Organizing Robots
From ACM TechNews

Harvard ­nleashes a Swarm of Self-Organizing Robots

Harvard University researchers have developed a method enabling thousands of robots to coordinate their actions so they can complete a single task. 

Energy Harvested From Body, Environment Could Power Wearables, IoT Devices
From ACM TechNews

Energy Harvested From Body, Environment Could Power Wearables, IoT Devices

Low-power wearable devices may soon stop using batteries and start drawing energy generated by body heat and movement, as well as ambient energy from the environment...

Google's Big-Data Tool, Mesa, Holds Petabytes of Data Across Multiple Servers
From ACM TechNews

Google's Big-Data Tool, Mesa, Holds Petabytes of Data Across Multiple Servers

Google says its big-data architecture, Mesa, can store petabytes of data, update millions of rows of data per second, and field trillions of queries daily across...

IBM Wants to Make its Watson Supercomputer as Small as a Pizza Box
From ACM TechNews

IBM Wants to Make its Watson Supercomputer as Small as a Pizza Box

IBM researchers are developing handheld computers with the power of today's supercomputers. 

Google Agitates For a Revolution in Web Development
From ACM TechNews

Google Agitates For a Revolution in Web Development

Google company engineers say Web Components, a World Wide Web Consortium standard designed to help organize complex Web pages, will "change everything." 

Cross-Industry Iot Group Pushes For Gear That Works Together
From ACM TechNews

Cross-Industry Iot Group Pushes For Gear That Works Together

Five information technology and equipment firms launched the Industrial Internet Consortium Thursday to guide standards for the Internet of Things. 

Faster Computer Performance Targeted By Memory Consortium
From ACM TechNews

Faster Computer Performance Targeted By Memory Consortium

The Hybrid Memory Cube Consortium has proposed a faster and more power-efficient specification for its emerging Hybrid Memory Cube memory technology. 

Biologically Inspired: How Neural Networks Are Finally Maturing
From ACM TechNews

Biologically Inspired: How Neural Networks Are Finally Maturing

Neural networks modeled on the human brain have advanced over the past 20 years and are now making their way into mainstream computing.

Home Appliance Makers Connect with Open Source 'internet of Things' Project
From ACM TechNews

Home Appliance Makers Connect with Open Source 'internet of Things' Project

The AllSeen Alliance has developed an open source framework to enable systems to discover, connect, and interact with each other, regardless of manufacturer or...

Experimental Malware ­ses Inaudible Sound to Defeat Network Air Gaps
From ACM TechNews

Experimental Malware ­ses Inaudible Sound to Defeat Network Air Gaps

Researchers have tested the feasibility of creating a covert acoustical mesh network between multiple laptops to exchange data using near-ultrasonic frequencies...

Intel Proposes New Standard to Light Up Data Transfers
From ACM TechNews

Intel Proposes New Standard to Light Up Data Transfers

Intel's proposed new optical interconnect, MXC, could be a key step in standardizing optical technology and bringing it to servers faster.

Facebook Invents a Php Virtual Machine
From ACM TechNews

Facebook Invents a Php Virtual Machine

Facebook says it has developed a virtual machine that can run the PHP Web programming language nine times as fast as PHP natively on large systems. 

China Trounces ­.s. in Top500 Supercomputer Race
From ACM TechNews

China Trounces ­.s. in Top500 Supercomputer Race

China's Tianhe-2 supercomputer has overtaken the U.S.'s Titan system as the world's most powerful computer, according to the latest Top500 List, a twice-yearly...

Flexible, Networked E-Ink Displays Mimic Physical Documents
From ACM TechNews

Flexible, Networked E-Ink Displays Mimic Physical Documents

Researchers at the Computer Human Interaction conference in Paris unveiled electronic ink displays that can bend as a form of input. 

New Spec Tool to Id Most Energy-Efficient Servers
From ACM TechNews

New Spec Tool to Id Most Energy-Efficient Servers

A new toolkit can help guide the selection of the most energy-efficient server to meet specific needs. 

Supercomputers Face Growing Resilience Problems
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputers Face Growing Resilience Problems

North Carolina State University researchers have developed software that runs in conjunction with the Message Passing Interface, a library for splitting applications...

Cray Bumps IBM From Top500 Supercomputer Top Spot
From ACM TechNews

Cray Bumps IBM From Top500 Supercomputer Top Spot

Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Titan supercomputer system, a Cray XK7, was named the world's fastest supercomputer in the latest edition of the Top500 list.  

Cray's Next Supercomputer Has Speedy Interconnect
From ACM TechNews

Cray's Next Supercomputer Has Speedy Interconnect

Cray's new XC30 supercomputer, known as Aries, features a new interconnect and a new routing topology that together could dramatically improve internal bandwidth...
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