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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectHuman Computer Interaction
authorIEEE Spectrum

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

AI Predicts Autism From Infant Brain Scans
From ACM TechNews

AI Predicts Autism From Infant Brain Scans

Researchers at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill have detected brain growth changes linked to autism in children as young as six months old.

AI Could Transform the Science of Counting Crowds
From ACM TechNews

AI Could Transform the Science of Counting Crowds

The University of Central Florida has been developing artificial intelligence solutions to relieve crowd scientists from the task of manually counting heads.

Graphene Temporary Tattoo Tracks Vital Signs
From ACM TechNews

Graphene Temporary Tattoo Tracks Vital Signs

University of Texas at Austin researchers are developing graphene-based health sensors that stick to a person's skin like a temporary tattoo and take measurements...

Mit's Modular Robotic Chain Is Whatever You Want It to Be
From ACM TechNews

Mit's Modular Robotic Chain Is Whatever You Want It to Be

Researchers have developed an improved version of last year's LineFORM multifunctional snake robot that introduces modularity to the system.

The Secret to Small Drone Obstacle Avoidance Is to Just Crash Into Stuff
From ACM TechNews

The Secret to Small Drone Obstacle Avoidance Is to Just Crash Into Stuff

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania's GRASP Lab are working to develop autonomous quadcopters that can fly through windows without running into them.

This Robot Can Do More Push-­ps Because It Sweats
From ACM TechNews

This Robot Can Do More Push-­ps Because It Sweats

Researchers from the University of Tokyo's JSK Lab say they have developed a more efficient way to cool humanoid robots.

Google Translate Gets a Deep-Learning ­pgrade
From ACM TechNews

Google Translate Gets a Deep-Learning ­pgrade

Google has launched a Google Translate upgrade utilizing enhanced deep-learning techniques to produce more accurate translations.

Robot Octopus Points the Way to Soft Robotics With Eight Wiggly Arms
From ACM TechNews

Robot Octopus Points the Way to Soft Robotics With Eight Wiggly Arms

Several labs from European and Israeli universities have together built a robot 0ctopus.

Top Programming Languages Trends: The Rise of Big Data
From ACM TechNews

Top Programming Languages Trends: The Rise of Big Data

Big data programming languages are gaining in importance because they enable the mining of massive datasets.

In-Ear Eeg Makes ­nobtrusive Brain-Hacking Gadgets a Real Possibility
From ACM TechNews

In-Ear Eeg Makes ­nobtrusive Brain-Hacking Gadgets a Real Possibility

Two research teams are developing electroencephalogram sensors that fit inside the ear.

Haptic Taco Helps You Navigate By Feel
From ACM TechNews

Haptic Taco Helps You Navigate By Feel

Yale University researchers are developing small haptic peripherals to help drivers navigate using just their sense of touch. 

How to Build a Moral Robot
From ACM TechNews

How to Build a Moral Robot

With robots expected to play an increasingly critical role in making judgment calls where human lives are at stake, it is imperative to model moral reasoning in...

Google's Eric Schmidt Says AI Will Make Him Smarter, Cooler
From ACM TechNews

Google's Eric Schmidt Says AI Will Make Him Smarter, Cooler

Alphabet executive chairman Eric Schmidt says the next major trend in the technology industry will be artificial intelligence. 

Jumproach Is a Robotic Bug That Leaps and Flips Just Like an Insect
From ACM TechNews

Jumproach Is a Robotic Bug That Leaps and Flips Just Like an Insect

Researchers say they have developed a new kind of jumping mechanism for robots that has the potential to scale from tiny hops to a catapult launch. 

Researchers Teaching Robots to Feel and React to Pain
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Teaching Robots to Feel and React to Pain

Researchers  are developing an "artificial robot nervous system to teach robots how to feel pain" and quickly react in order to avoid potential damage. 

This Robot ­ses Machine Learning to Take Care of Absent-Minded Humans
From ACM TechNews

This Robot ­ses Machine Learning to Take Care of Absent-Minded Humans

The Watch-bot robot can independently learn a user's household activity patterns to provide helpful reminders. 

Autonomous Mini Rally Car Teaches Itself to Powerslide
From ACM TechNews

Autonomous Mini Rally Car Teaches Itself to Powerslide

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology are developing control algorithms that enable small-scale autonomous cars to race around dirt tracks at high...

Nsa Can Legally Access Metadata of 25,000 Callers Based on a Single Suspect's Phone
From ACM News

Nsa Can Legally Access Metadata of 25,000 Callers Based on a Single Suspect's Phone

Despite changes to the law, the U.S. National Security Agency can still request metadata from tens of thousands of private phones if they are indirectly connected...

Holoflex: A Flexible Smartphone With a Holographic Display
From ACM TechNews

Holoflex: A Flexible Smartphone With a Holographic Display

The HoloFlex is a flexible smartphone with a holographic lightfield display that can simultaneously project glasses-free three-dimensional images to multiple users...

Creating a Prosthetic Hand That Can Feel
From ACM TechNews

Creating a Prosthetic Hand That Can Feel

Researchers have developed a "myoelectric" haptic system designed to work with a prosthetic hand. 
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