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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputers And Society
authorIEEE Spectrum

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The 2017 Top Programming Languages
From ACM TechNews

The 2017 Top Programming Languages

Python is now the top programming language, according to IEEE Spectrum's recently released fourth interactive ranking of the leading languages.

Eu Developing Robot Badgers For ­nderground Excavation
From ACM TechNews

Eu Developing Robot Badgers For ­nderground Excavation

The European Union is underwriting the roBot for Autonomous unDerGround trenchless opERations, mapping, and navigation (BADGER) project.

­c Berkeley Releases Massive Dex-Net 2.0 Dataset
From ACM TechNews

­c Berkeley Releases Massive Dex-Net 2.0 Dataset

A University of California, Berkeley professor has announced the release of a massive dataset for Dex-Net 2.0.

A Hybrid of Quantum Computing and Machine Learning Is Spawning New Ventures
From ACM TechNews

A Hybrid of Quantum Computing and Machine Learning Is Spawning New Ventures

Researchers think the field of merging quantum computing with machine learning may soon be ripe for commercialization.

Taxonomy Goes Digital: Getting a Handle on Social Bots
From ACM TechNews

Taxonomy Goes Digital: Getting a Handle on Social Bots

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is funding research on social networks.

Deepmind Shows AI Has Trouble Seeing Homer Simpson's Actions
From ACM TechNews

Deepmind Shows AI Has Trouble Seeing Homer Simpson's Actions

DeepMind has created a YouTube dataset of 300,000 video clips and 400 human action classes to train its deep-learning algorithms to better identify human activities...

Can We Quantify Machine Consciousness?
From ACM TechNews

Can We Quantify Machine Consciousness?

The argument that consciousness is computable--and instillable within machines--cannot be verified or refuted until a measurable theory of consciousness becomes...

Soft Robotic Structures Fold Themselves ­p in Hot Water
From ACM TechNews

Soft Robotic Structures Fold Themselves ­p in Hot Water

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have developed a new approach for making compliant, controllable robotic structures.

Robot Ray Swims ­sing High-Voltage Artificial Muscles
From ACM TechNews

Robot Ray Swims ­sing High-Voltage Artificial Muscles

Researchers have developed a robotic ray that is propelled by soft, flapping wings made of dielectric elastomers, which bend when electricity is applied to them...

We Know What You're Watching (even If It's Encrypted)
From ACM News

We Know What You're Watching (even If It's Encrypted)

I stand firm in the opinion that it's my basic, human right to binge-watch six hours of trashy detective shows on a Friday night with a silent phone in my lap and...

Point-and-Click Method Makes Robot Grasping Control Less Tedious
From ACM TechNews

Point-and-Click Method Makes Robot Grasping Control Less Tedious

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology are working to make the process of a robot autonomously grasping an object easier.

X-Rays Map the 3D Interior of Integrated Circuits
From ACM TechNews

X-Rays Map the 3D Interior of Integrated Circuits

Researchers have used x-rays to peer within commercial integrated circuits and reconstruct them in three dimensions.

Amoeba-Like Robot Programmed With Dna
From ACM TechNews

Amoeba-Like Robot Programmed With Dna

Researchers have developed a tiny robotic system that is programmed and controlled by DNA and moves like a living cell.

Want an Energy-Efficient Data Center? Build It ­nderwater
From ACM TechNews

Want an Energy-Efficient Data Center? Build It ­nderwater

Microsoft engineers have proposed underwater server farms to help cloud providers deal with data center expansion in an environmentally friendly manner.

Browser Fingerprinting Tech Works Across Different Browsers For the First Time
From ACM TechNews

Browser Fingerprinting Tech Works Across Different Browsers For the First Time

Researchers at Lehigh University have developed new browser fingerprinting software that identifies users across Web browsers more accurately than the most sophisticated...

AI Predicts Autism From Infant Brain Scans
From ACM TechNews

AI Predicts Autism From Infant Brain Scans

Researchers at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill have detected brain growth changes linked to autism in children as young as six months old.

Millimeter-Scale Computers: Now With Deep Learning Neural Networks on Board
From ACM TechNews

Millimeter-Scale Computers: Now With Deep Learning Neural Networks on Board

University of Michigan computer scientists are researching micro mote computers.

AI Could Transform the Science of Counting Crowds
From ACM TechNews

AI Could Transform the Science of Counting Crowds

The University of Central Florida has been developing artificial intelligence solutions to relieve crowd scientists from the task of manually counting heads.

Graphene Temporary Tattoo Tracks Vital Signs
From ACM TechNews

Graphene Temporary Tattoo Tracks Vital Signs

University of Texas at Austin researchers are developing graphene-based health sensors that stick to a person's skin like a temporary tattoo and take measurements...

Deep Learning AI Listens to Machines For Signs of Trouble
From ACM News

Deep Learning AI Listens to Machines For Signs of Trouble

Driving your car until it breaks down on the road is never anyone's favorite way to learn the need for routine maintenance.
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