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dateMore Than a Year Ago
authorIEEE Spectrum

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM Opinion

It's Time to Start 3d Scanning the World

When Microsoft was developing its Kinect 3D sensor, a critical task was to calibrate its algorithms to rapidly and accurately recognize parts of the human body,...

3-D Chips Grow Up
From ACM TechNews

3-D Chips Grow Up

Researchers are starting to build chips in the third dimension, and many industry experts believe that this year the chip will start to become a cube. Building...

The Future of Riots
From ACM News

The Future of Riots

On 6 August, peaceful protests over the police shooting of a local man in London's Tottenham district exploded into full-blown riots. During four days of assaults...

The Making of Arduino
From ACM News

The Making of Arduino

How five friends engineered a small circuit board that’s taking the DIY world by storm.

How Google's Self-Driving Car Works
From ACM News

How Google's Self-Driving Car Works

Once a secret project, Google's autonomous vehicles are now out in the open, quite literally, with the company test-driving them on public roads and, on one occasion...

Exploring Space with Chip-Size Satellites
From ACM News

Exploring Space with Chip-Size Satellites

Gravity may be woven into the very fabric of space-time, but some objects seem nearly immune to its pull. Scale something down to the size of a dust particle...

From ACM News

Big Win For the Losers at D-Wave

Does D-Wave's first big sale disprove the quantum computing naysayers?

Kilobots Are Cheap Enough to Swarm in the Thousands
From ACM News

Kilobots Are Cheap Enough to Swarm in the Thousands

Kilobots are fairly simple little robots about the size of a quarter that can move around on vibrating legs, blink their lights, and communicate with each other...

Better Benchmarking For Supercomputers
From ACM TechNews

Better Benchmarking For Supercomputers

Many computer scientists say the High-Performance Linpack test is not the best performance measurement for the world's top supercomputers. The new Graph500 benchmark...

The Top 11 Technologies of the Decade
From ACM News

The Top 11 Technologies of the Decade

The January 2011 issue of IEEE Spectrum reviews the most important innovations that came of age in the past 10 years, based on their influence, usefulness, and...

From ACM News

Telepresence Robot Replaces Editor at Ieee Spectrum

With several companies offering telepresence robots to act as people's proxies at the office, IEEE Spectrum magazine investigated their use earlier this year by...

The Led's Dark Secret
From ACM News

The Led's Dark Secret

Solid-state lighting won't supplant the lightbulb until it can overcome the mysterious malady known as "droop."

Sign Language By Cellphone
From ACM TechNews

Sign Language By Cellphone

Researchers at the University of Washington and Cornell University are working on the mobileASL project, which is developing a mobile phone that would enable deaf...
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