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subjectCommunications / Networking
authorIEEE Spectrum

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Gaming-Related Malware on the Rise on Mobile, PCs
From ACM TechNews

Gaming-Related Malware on the Rise on Mobile, PCs

Analysts warn that popular online games are helping to spread malware on PCs and mobile devices.

Brain-Computer Interface Smashes Previous Record for Typing Speed
From ACM News

Brain-Computer Interface Smashes Previous Record for Typing Speed

Imagining writing-by-hand is faster than imagining moving a cursor in new BCI system.

Digital Nose Stimulation Enables Smelling in Stereo
From ACM TechNews

Digital Nose Stimulation Enables Smelling in Stereo

Researchers at the University of Chicago (UChicago) have developed a wireless, nose-worn device that can enable directional smell using tiny electrical impulses...

The Next Frontier for Gesture Control: Teeth
From ACM TechNews

The Next Frontier for Gesture Control: Teeth

Researchers have developed a prototype wearable system controlled by teeth-tapping gestures.

With Drones and Other Autonomous Vehicles, Safety Must Come First
From ACM News

With Drones and Other Autonomous Vehicles, Safety Must Come First

Engineers developing drones or similar robotic helpers need to focus on mitigating the dangers.

Cybersecurity Report: 'Smart Farms' Are Hackable Farms
From ACM TechNews

Cybersecurity Report: 'Smart Farms' Are Hackable Farms

Researchers at China's Nanjing Agricultural University discovered unique cybersecurity issues stemming from agricultural Internet of Things applications.

Search-and-Rescue Drone Locates Victims by Homing in on Their Phones
From ACM TechNews

Search-and-Rescue Drone Locates Victims by Homing in on Their Phones

The Search-And-Rescue DrOne platform integrates aerial drones, artificial intelligence, and smartphones to find survivors of disasters using signals from their...

Smart Algorithm Bursts Social Networks' 'Filter Bubbles'
From ACM TechNews

Smart Algorithm Bursts Social Networks' 'Filter Bubbles'

Finnish and Danish researchers have developed an algorithm that boosts diversity of exposure on social networks, while still ensuring widely shared content.

App Aims to Reduce Deaths From Opioid Overdose
From ACM TechNews

App Aims to Reduce Deaths From Opioid Overdose

A Philadelphia-based pilot study tested an application for volunteers, which alerts them to opioid overdoses requiring naloxone.

Dart-Shooting Drone Attacks Trees for Science
From ACM TechNews

Dart-Shooting Drone Attacks Trees for Science

Researchers have come up with a method to increase the efficiency of setting up sensor networks by using a drone as a launching platform for laser-aimed, sensor...

Predicting the Lifespan of an App
From ACM TechNews

Predicting the Lifespan of an App

Northwestern Polytechnical University researchers have developed a model for predicting the lifespan of an app.

Quantum Satellite Links Extend More Than 1,000 Kilometers
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Satellite Links Extend More Than 1,000 Kilometers

The new system brings us one step closer to practical quantum cryptography.

Electronic Nose Sniffs Out Perfectly Ripe Peaches for Harvest
From ACM TechNews

Electronic Nose Sniffs Out Perfectly Ripe Peaches for Harvest

Researchers have developed an electronic nose system to sniff out the ripest peaches for harvest.

Coding for Covid-19: Contest Calls on Developers to Help Fight the Pandemic
From ACM TechNews

Coding for Covid-19: Contest Calls on Developers to Help Fight the Pandemic

One track in this year's IBM Call for Code challenge focused on the Covid-19 pandemic.

Sneakier, More Sophisticated Malware On the Loose
From ACM TechNews

Sneakier, More Sophisticated Malware On the Loose

After analyzing more than 1 million samples of Android malware, researchershave found that malware coding is being hidden more cleverly.

Optical Labs Set Terabit Transmission Records
From ACM TechNews

Optical Labs Set Terabit Transmission Records

Researchers were able to send 172 terabits per second of data through a single multicore fiber.

Countries Debate Openness of Future National IDs
From ACM TechNews

Countries Debate Openness of Future National IDs

More than half of African countries are developing some form of biometric or digital national identification (ID).

Are Your Students Bored? This AI Could Tell You
From ACM TechNews

Are Your Students Bored? This AI Could Tell You

Researchers have created an artificial intelligence (AI) system that analyzes students' emotions to measure their engagement level in a class. 

Supercomputers Simulate Solar Flares to Help Physicists Understand Magnetic Reconnection
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputers Simulate Solar Flares to Help Physicists Understand Magnetic Reconnection

A team of researchers has developed a supercomputer simulation that successfully models a key part of a process that produces solar flares.

Harnessing Public Smartphones to Track Drones
From ACM TechNews

Harnessing Public Smartphones to Track Drones

A new method of tracking unfamiliar drones leverages consumer smartphones to detect the Wi-Fi signals of nearby drones.
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