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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectInformation Systems
authorIEEE Spectrum

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

To Learn to Deal With Uncertainty, This AI Plays Pong
From ACM TechNews

To Learn to Deal With Uncertainty, This AI Plays Pong

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a new algorithm that enables artificial intelligence models to account for uncertain data.

Search-and-Rescue Drone Locates Victims by Homing in on Their Phones
From ACM TechNews

Search-and-Rescue Drone Locates Victims by Homing in on Their Phones

The Search-And-Rescue DrOne platform integrates aerial drones, artificial intelligence, and smartphones to find survivors of disasters using signals from their...

It's Too Easy to Hide Bias in Deep-Learning Systems
From ACM News

It's Too Easy to Hide Bias in Deep-Learning Systems

Artificial intelligence makes it hard to tell when decision-making is biased.

Smart Algorithm Bursts Social Networks' 'Filter Bubbles'
From ACM TechNews

Smart Algorithm Bursts Social Networks' 'Filter Bubbles'

Finnish and Danish researchers have developed an algorithm that boosts diversity of exposure on social networks, while still ensuring widely shared content.

App Aims to Reduce Deaths From Opioid Overdose
From ACM TechNews

App Aims to Reduce Deaths From Opioid Overdose

A Philadelphia-based pilot study tested an application for volunteers, which alerts them to opioid overdoses requiring naloxone.

Here Comes the Internet of Plastic Things, No Batteries or Electronics Required
From ACM TechNews

Here Comes the Internet of Plastic Things, No Batteries or Electronics Required

Researchers at the University of Washington have developed a technique for three-dimensionally printing plastic objects that communicate with Wi-Fi devices without...

Electronic Nose Sniffs Out Perfectly Ripe Peaches for Harvest
From ACM TechNews

Electronic Nose Sniffs Out Perfectly Ripe Peaches for Harvest

Researchers have developed an electronic nose system to sniff out the ripest peaches for harvest.

Coding for Covid-19: Contest Calls on Developers to Help Fight the Pandemic
From ACM TechNews

Coding for Covid-19: Contest Calls on Developers to Help Fight the Pandemic

One track in this year's IBM Call for Code challenge focused on the Covid-19 pandemic.

Big Data Helps Taiwan Fight Coronavirus
From ACM TechNews

Big Data Helps Taiwan Fight Coronavirus

Taiwan has largely controlled the propagation of the  coronavirus, which an international team of researchers credit mainly to the emergency deployment of big data...

China to Launch National Blockchain Network in 100 Cities
From ACM TechNews

China to Launch National Blockchain Network in 100 Cities

An alliance of Chinese government groups, banks, and technology firms plans to launch one of the first blockchain networks constructed and maintained by a central...

Supercomputers Simulate Solar Flares to Help Physicists Understand Magnetic Reconnection
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputers Simulate Solar Flares to Help Physicists Understand Magnetic Reconnection

A team of researchers has developed a supercomputer simulation that successfully models a key part of a process that produces solar flares.

The Bioacoustic Signatures of Our Bodies Can Reveal Our Identities
From ACM TechNews

The Bioacoustic Signatures of Our Bodies Can Reveal Our Identities

Researchers in South Korea have developed a biometric system that uses a transducer to generate vibrations and sound waves that can be used to identify individuals...

App Detects Eye Disease in Personal Photos
From ACM TechNews

App Detects Eye Disease in Personal Photos

Baylor University researchers have developed a free smartphone app that uses machine learning to flag eye disease from personal photos, as much as a year ahead...

The Top Programming Languages 2019
From ACM TechNews

The Top Programming Languages 2019

IEEE Spectrum's 2019 roster of leading programming languages once again ranks Python in the top slot.

Early Warning System Predicts Risk of Online Students Dropping Out
From ACM TechNews

Early Warning System Predicts Risk of Online Students Dropping Out

Researchers in Spain have developed a predictive modeling system for personalized student dropout rates.

Three Small Stickers in Intersection Can Cause Tesla Autopilot to Swerve Into Wrong Lane
From ACM News

Three Small Stickers in Intersection Can Cause Tesla Autopilot to Swerve Into Wrong Lane

Security researchers from Tencent have demonstrated a way to use physical attacks to spoof Tesla's autopilot.

Animal-AI Olympics Will Test AI on Intelligence Tasks Designed for Crows, Chimps
From ACM TechNews

Animal-AI Olympics Will Test AI on Intelligence Tasks Designed for Crows, Chimps

The University of Cambridge's Leverhulme Center for the Future of Intelligence and the Czech Republic's GoodAI are partnering to launch the Animal-AI Olympics. ...

Security Technology Detects Cyberattacks on Drones, Cars, Robots
From ACM TechNews

Security Technology Detects Cyberattacks on Drones, Cars, Robots

Researchers at Mitsubishi Electric have developed sensor-security technology for detecting inconsistencies in sensor measurements when a system is under attack....

Winners Announced for the Zillow Prize
From ACM TechNews

Winners Announced for the Zillow Prize

The Zillow Prize competition pitted nearly 4,000 teams against one another in an effort to develop a computerized system that could predict the future sale price...

Meet the Bots That Review and Write Snippets of Facebook's Code
From ACM TechNews

Meet the Bots That Review and Write Snippets of Facebook's Code

Facebook is using two automated tools to find and repair low-level bugs in its mobile apps.
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