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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectHuman Computer Interaction
authorIEEE Spectrum

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Trilobite-Inspired Camera Boasts Huge Depth of Field
From ACM TechNews

Trilobite-Inspired Camera Boasts Huge Depth of Field

Chinese and U.S. researchers collaborated on the development of a camera with a massive depth of field.

Robotic Rat Climbs, Crawls, Turns on a Dime
From ACM TechNews

Robotic Rat Climbs, Crawls, Turns on a Dime

Qing Shi and colleagues at China's Beijing Institute of Technology built a rat-inspired robot that can squeeze through tight spaces, which could be used to assess...

AI Fuses With Quantum Computing in Promising New Memristor
From ACM News

AI Fuses With Quantum Computing in Promising New Memristor

Quantum device points the way toward an exponential boost in "smart" computing capabilities.

Med-Tech Eureka: The Body Is the Best Secure Data Channel
From ACM TechNews

Med-Tech Eureka: The Body Is the Best Secure Data Channel

Harnessing the body's natural ions can enable secure, wireless low-power transmission of data from bio-implants.

Physical Sensations in VR Go Hands-Free
From ACM TechNews

Physical Sensations in VR Go Hands-Free

A new virtual reality haptics system eliminates hand-based hardware by manipulating the forearm instead of the hand to generate physical sensations.

Volunteers Scramble to Preserve Ukraine's Digital Culture
From ACM TechNews

Volunteers Scramble to Preserve Ukraine's Digital Culture

More than 1,300 volunteers are working to preserve Ukraine's digital culture.

Surfing the Metaverse's Real Estate Boom
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Surfing the Metaverse's Real Estate Boom

High prices have pushed some toward collective ownership, but the future of virtual properties is uncertain.

Starfall: Finding a Meteorite with Drones and AI
From ACM News

Starfall: Finding a Meteorite with Drones and AI

Neural network used to spot a space rock in the Australian outback.

Algorithm That Mapped Omicron Shows Path Forward
From ACM TechNews

Algorithm That Mapped Omicron Shows Path Forward

The antigenic cartography algorithm, which can two-dimensionally map laboratory data on viral strains, has helped scientists keep up with genetic variants.

Building Human-Robot Relationships Through Music and Dance
From ACM News

Building Human-Robot Relationships Through Music and Dance

A performance called FOREST is exploring trust through creative collaboration.

Gaming-Related Malware on the Rise on Mobile, PCs
From ACM TechNews

Gaming-Related Malware on the Rise on Mobile, PCs

Analysts warn that popular online games are helping to spread malware on PCs and mobile devices.

Deep Learning's Diminishing Returns
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Deep Learning's Diminishing Returns

The cost of improvement is becoming unsustainable.

Smart Helmet Rapidly Assesses Stroke Patients
From ACM TechNews

Smart Helmet Rapidly Assesses Stroke Patients

Uses EM waves to distinguish the size, position, and type of stroke

Robot Shows How Simple Swimming Can Be
From ACM TechNews

Robot Shows How Simple Swimming Can Be

A robotic eel designed by researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne can swim through water and receive sensory data while in motion.

To Fly a Drone in the U.S., You Now Must Pass FAA's TRUST Test
From ACM News

To Fly a Drone in the U.S., You Now Must Pass FAA's TRUST Test

New drone rules for recreational pilots.

Smart Bike Predicts Cars' Trajectories, Honks to Warn of Impending Crash
From ACM TechNews

Smart Bike Predicts Cars' Trajectories, Honks to Warn of Impending Crash

Engineers at the University of Minnesota have designed a prototype smart bicycle which they say can protect itself from collisions.

Brain-Computer Interface Smashes Previous Record for Typing Speed
From ACM News

Brain-Computer Interface Smashes Previous Record for Typing Speed

Imagining writing-by-hand is faster than imagining moving a cursor in new BCI system.

Digital Nose Stimulation Enables Smelling in Stereo
From ACM TechNews

Digital Nose Stimulation Enables Smelling in Stereo

Researchers at the University of Chicago (UChicago) have developed a wireless, nose-worn device that can enable directional smell using tiny electrical impulses...

The Next Frontier for Gesture Control: Teeth
From ACM TechNews

The Next Frontier for Gesture Control: Teeth

Researchers have developed a prototype wearable system controlled by teeth-tapping gestures.

Cobots Act Like Puppies to Better Communicate with Humans
From ACM News

Cobots Act Like Puppies to Better Communicate with Humans

Zoomorphic gestures inspired by dogs makes understanding cobots intuitive for anyone.
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