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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputers And Society
authorIEEE Spectrum

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Computing With Chemicals Makes Faster, Leaner AI
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Computing With Chemicals Makes Faster, Leaner AI

Battery-inspired artificial synapses are gaining ground.

Contactless ECG Continuously Monitors the Heart
From ACM TechNews

Contactless ECG Continuously Monitors the Heart

Researchers in China have invented a contactless electrocardiogram system that infers electrical signals through artificial intelligence and millimeter-wave radar...

New AI Speeds Computer Graphics by Up to 5x
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New AI Speeds Computer Graphics by Up to 5x

Neural rendering harnesses machine learning to paint pixels.

App Identifies Parkinson's, COVID-19 Based on User's Voice
From ACM TechNews

App Identifies Parkinson's, COVID-19 Based on User's Voice

Machine learning algorithms in a smartphone application analyze people's voices to identify those in the early stages of Parkinson's disease or severe COVID-19...

Goalkeeping Robot Dog Tends Net Like a Pro
From ACM TechNews

Goalkeeping Robot Dog Tends Net Like a Pro

The Mini Cheetah robotic goalie developed by scientists in the University of California, Berkeley's Hybrid Robotics Lab can save 87.5% of shots taken on goal.

Photon Bursts Boost Quantum-Sensor Performance
From ACM TechNews

Photon Bursts Boost Quantum-Sensor Performance

The University of Chicago's Aashish Clerk and colleagues found a seemingly unwanted quantum effect may help improve the sensitivity of quantum sensors by up to...

Will Moths Inspire a New Kind of Microphone?
From ACM TechNews

Will Moths Inspire a New Kind of Microphone?

Researchers at the U.K.'s University of Strathclyde created a simulated ear to study the hearing system of the lesser wax moth, Achroia grisella.

Streetlight Wi-Fi Hotspots: A Bright Idea
From ACM TechNews

Streetlight Wi-Fi Hotspots: A Bright Idea

A new algorithm could help telecommunication companies determine the optimal deployment of Wi-Fi hotspots in streetlights.

5G Networks Are Worryingly Hackable
From ACM TechNews

5G Networks Are Worryingly Hackable

German security researchers determined 5G networks can be hacked, having breached and hijacked live networks in a series of "red teaming" exercises.

'Quantum-Safe' Crypto Hacked by 10-Year-Old PC
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'Quantum-Safe' Crypto Hacked by 10-Year-Old PC

Many challenges still lie ahead for post-quantum cryptography.

'Qudit' Computers Go Beyond Ones and Zeroes
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'Qudit' Computers Go Beyond Ones and Zeroes

New machine works with eight qudits, each capable of encoding seven states at once.

The Webb Space Telescope's Profound Data Challenges
From ACM TechNews

The Webb Space Telescope's Profound Data Challenges

The James Webb Space Telescope's data-collecting operations present a number of challenges, including dependence on a reliable communications subsystem.

D-Wave's 500-Qubit Machine Hits the Cloud
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D-Wave's 500-Qubit Machine Hits the Cloud

Experimental prototype offers sneak peek of 7,000-qubit quantum computer.

Toe-Tapping Test for Parkinson's Patients
From ACM TechNews

Toe-Tapping Test for Parkinson's Patients

A new smart insole can evaluate a Parkinson's disease patient's risk of falling by tracking their foot movements as they tap their toes.

Measuring AI's Carbon Footprint
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Measuring AI's Carbon Footprint

New tools track and reduce emissions from machine learning.

New Transceiver Receives Power, Data Simultaneously
From ACM TechNews

New Transceiver Receives Power, Data Simultaneously

Researchers have developed a 64-element millimeter-wave-band phased-array transceiver that transmits and receives data while receiving power at the same time.

Measuring AI's Carbon Footprint
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Measuring AI's Carbon Footprint

Researchers have developed a method of calculating the carbon emissions of artificial intelligence systems that boasts greater accuracy.

Photonic Quantum Computer Claims Speedup 'Advantage'
From ACM News

Photonic Quantum Computer Claims Speedup 'Advantage'

Quantum-powered cloud is 7,800,000,000,000,000x as fast, for some problems, as a supercomputer.

Ukrainian Volunteers Use 3D Printers to Save Lives
From ACM TechNews

Ukrainian Volunteers Use 3D Printers to Save Lives

During the war in Ukraine's first 16 days, volunteers used three-dimensional printers to produce 3,019 parts for 930 products for the country's armed forces.

Trilobite-Inspired Camera Boasts Huge Depth of Field
From ACM TechNews

Trilobite-Inspired Camera Boasts Huge Depth of Field

Chinese and U.S. researchers collaborated on the development of a camera with a massive depth of field.
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