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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Throwable Robot Car Always Lands on Four Wheels
From ACM TechNews

Throwable Robot Car Always Lands on Four Wheels

Researchers at the U.S. Military Academy have developed robot that can be thrown or dropped and always lands the right way up.

Here Comes the Internet of Plastic Things, No Batteries or Electronics Required
From ACM TechNews

Here Comes the Internet of Plastic Things, No Batteries or Electronics Required

Researchers at the University of Washington have developed a technique for three-dimensionally printing plastic objects that communicate with Wi-Fi devices without...

Memristor Breakthrough: First Single Device To Act Like a Neuron
From ACM News

Memristor Breakthrough: First Single Device To Act Like a Neuron

Analog computing with neuron-like devices could efficiently solve problems traditional computers struggle to solve.

An Open Source Bionic Leg
From ACM TechNews

An Open Source Bionic Leg

University of Michigan researchers have released details online of the design of an open source bionic leg, and the results of its clinical tests.

Tree-Climbing Robot Can Safely Harvest Coconuts
From ACM TechNews

Tree-Climbing Robot Can Safely Harvest Coconuts

Researchers at India's Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University have designed a robot to climb trees and safely harvest coconuts.

Robotic Tank Is Designed to Crawl Through Your Intestine
From ACM TechNews

Robotic Tank Is Designed to Crawl Through Your Intestine

Researchers at the University of Colorado's Advanced Medical Technologies Lab have created a tank robot that can actively drive through a person's intestines.

Japanese Town to Test Autonomous Amphibious Bus
From ACM TechNews

Japanese Town to Test Autonomous Amphibious Bus

The Japanese town of Naganohara will test a consortium's autonomous amphibious bus in a trial beginning in December and running through March 2021.

AI Seeks ET: Machine Learning Powers Hunt for Life in the Solar System
From ACM TechNews

AI Seeks ET: Machine Learning Powers Hunt for Life in the Solar System

The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration is testing a pilot artificial intelligence system for use on a future Mars mission.

Bio-Ink for 3-D Printing Inside the Body
From ACM TechNews

Bio-Ink for 3-D Printing Inside the Body

Researchers at The Ohio State University have developed a bio-ink that can be three-dimensionally printed at human body temperature, and solidified using visible...

Preventing AI From Divulging Its Own Secrets
From ACM TechNews

Preventing AI From Divulging Its Own Secrets

Researchers have demonstrated the first countermeasure for shielding artificial intelligence from differential power analysis attacks.

Annealing Processor Excels at Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems
From ACM TechNews

Annealing Processor Excels at Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Researchers in Japan have developed a new annealer architecture to handle combinatorial optimization problems.

Optical Labs Set Terabit Transmission Records
From ACM TechNews

Optical Labs Set Terabit Transmission Records

Researchers were able to send 172 terabits per second of data through a single multicore fiber.

UC Berkeley's AI-Powered Robot Teaches Itself to Drive Off-Road
From ACM TechNews

UC Berkeley's AI-Powered Robot Teaches Itself to Drive Off-Road

A new robot learning system can learn about the environment through its own experiences in the real world.

Iran Unveils Its Most Advanced Humanoid Robot Yet
From ACM TechNews

Iran Unveils Its Most Advanced Humanoid Robot Yet

A team of researchers at the University of Tehran in Iran has developed a fourth version of the Surena humanoid robotic system. 

Reconfigurable Robot Can Climb Up Its Own Track
From ACM TechNews

Reconfigurable Robot Can Climb Up Its Own Track

Researchers in Israel have developed a mobile robot that can change its entire body shape on a link-by-link basis, using an extra actuator to "build its own track...

Hand-Tracking Tech Watches Riders in Self-Driving Cars to See If They're Ready to Take the Wheel
From ACM TechNews

Hand-Tracking Tech Watches Riders in Self-Driving Cars to See If They're Ready to Take the Wheel

Researchers have developed a hand-tracking system to determine how long it would take a driver to assume control of a self-driving car in an emergency.

The Bioacoustic Signatures of Our Bodies Can Reveal Our Identities
From ACM TechNews

The Bioacoustic Signatures of Our Bodies Can Reveal Our Identities

Researchers in South Korea have developed a biometric system that uses a transducer to generate vibrations and sound waves that can be used to identify individuals...

Astrobee Performs First Autonomous Flight on the International Space Station
From ACM TechNews

Astrobee Performs First Autonomous Flight on the International Space Station

A National Aeronautics and Space Administration Astrobee robot is now up and running on the International Space Station (ISS).

U.S. Energy Department Is First Customer for World's Biggest Chip
From ACM TechNews

U.S. Energy Department Is First Customer for World's Biggest Chip

The U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne and Lawrence Livermore national laboratories will be among the first organizations to deploy artificial intelligence computers...

Drone Explodes into Maple Seed Microdrones in Midair
From ACM TechNews

Drone Explodes into Maple Seed Microdrones in Midair

Samara-inspired drones can help deliver airborne payloads in a simple, reliable, inexpensive manner.
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