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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Reconfigurable Robot Can Climb Up Its Own Track
From ACM TechNews

Reconfigurable Robot Can Climb Up Its Own Track

Researchers in Israel have developed a mobile robot that can change its entire body shape on a link-by-link basis, using an extra actuator to "build its own track...

Hand-Tracking Tech Watches Riders in Self-Driving Cars to See If They're Ready to Take the Wheel
From ACM TechNews

Hand-Tracking Tech Watches Riders in Self-Driving Cars to See If They're Ready to Take the Wheel

Researchers have developed a hand-tracking system to determine how long it would take a driver to assume control of a self-driving car in an emergency.

The Bioacoustic Signatures of Our Bodies Can Reveal Our Identities
From ACM TechNews

The Bioacoustic Signatures of Our Bodies Can Reveal Our Identities

Researchers in South Korea have developed a biometric system that uses a transducer to generate vibrations and sound waves that can be used to identify individuals...

Astrobee Performs First Autonomous Flight on the International Space Station
From ACM TechNews

Astrobee Performs First Autonomous Flight on the International Space Station

A National Aeronautics and Space Administration Astrobee robot is now up and running on the International Space Station (ISS).

U.S. Energy Department Is First Customer for World's Biggest Chip
From ACM TechNews

U.S. Energy Department Is First Customer for World's Biggest Chip

The U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne and Lawrence Livermore national laboratories will be among the first organizations to deploy artificial intelligence computers...

Drone Explodes into Maple Seed Microdrones in Midair
From ACM TechNews

Drone Explodes into Maple Seed Microdrones in Midair

Samara-inspired drones can help deliver airborne payloads in a simple, reliable, inexpensive manner.

First 'Quantum Drone' Takes Off
From ACM TechNews

First 'Quantum Drone' Takes Off

Researchers at Nanjing University in China have developed a quantum drone to serve as an airborne node in a future quantum network.

For Better Computing, Liberate CP­s From Garbage Collection
From ACM TechNews

For Better Computing, Liberate CP­s From Garbage Collection

Researchers have created a compact accelerator that relieves a CPU of the "garbage collection" task of deleting redundant or irrelevant data from apps to make more...

Sandia's Robots Pull Apart Warheads to Recycle Thousands of Micro-Grenades
From ACM TechNews

Sandia's Robots Pull Apart Warheads to Recycle Thousands of Micro-Grenades

Researchers have developed robots that can demilitarize up to 21 warheads in an eight-hour shift, which equates to 13,524 bomblets being recycled per day.

Drones Help Rid Galapagos Island of Rats
From ACM TechNews

Drones Help Rid Galapagos Island of Rats

Drones flying over the Galapagos island of North Seymour dropped rat poison in an effort to eliminate invasive black and brown rats.

Searching for the Perfect Artificial Synapse for AI
From ACM News

Searching for the Perfect Artificial Synapse for AI

What's the best type of device from which to build a neural network? Of course, it should be fast, small, consume little power, have the ability to reliably store...

IHMC Teaches Atlas to Walk Like a Human
From ACM TechNews

IHMC Teaches Atlas to Walk Like a Human

Roboticists at the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition are teaching Boston Dynamics' humanoid robot Atlas a more natural walking gait.

This Plant Is Driving Its Own Robot
From ACM TechNews

This Plant Is Driving Its Own Robot

Elowan is a mobile cybernetic plant with a robotic base.

The ­.S. National Academies Reports on the Prospects for Quantum Computing
From ACM TechNews

The ­.S. National Academies Reports on the Prospects for Quantum Computing

A task force evaluated the feasibility of developing a functional quantum computer, emphasizing "the time and resources required, and how to assess the probability...

Quantum Computing: Atomic Clocks Make for Longer-Lasting Qubits
From ACM News

Quantum Computing: Atomic Clocks Make for Longer-Lasting Qubits

A decade ago, quantum computing was still something of a parlor game.

Maryland Test Confirms Drones Can Safely Deliver Human Organs
From ACM TechNews

Maryland Test Confirms Drones Can Safely Deliver Human Organs

University of Maryland researchers have tested organ delivery via aerial drone.

Robots Finally Learning to Clean the Bathroom
From ACM TechNews

Robots Finally Learning to Clean the Bathroom

Researchers at the University of Koblenz-Landa in Germany developed a robotic system that was able to successfully clean at least 80% of the liquid from on and...

This Robot Transforms Itself to Navigate an Obstacle Course
From ACM TechNews

This Robot Transforms Itself to Navigate an Obstacle Course

Researchers have created robots that can adapt to their environment based on centralized sensory processing, environmental perception, and decision-making software...

This Robot Transforms Itself to Navigate an Obstacle Course
From ACM News

This Robot Transforms Itself to Navigate an Obstacle Course

When you've got a hammer, everything looks like a nail, but the world starts to look more interesting if your hammer can change shape.

Tiny Drones Team ­p to Open Doors
From ACM TechNews

Tiny Drones Team ­p to Open Doors

Researchers have developed palm-sized drones that can forcefully tug objects 40 times their own mass by anchoring themselves to the ground or to walls.
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