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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputers And Society
authorIEEE Spectrum

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Smart Bandage Could Hasten Healing, Might Even Detect Covid
From ACM TechNews

Smart Bandage Could Hasten Healing, Might Even Detect Covid

A new smart bandage could reduce the number of in-person doctor's visits required for patients with open wounds.

Waiting for Quantum Computing? Try Probabilistic Computing
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Waiting for Quantum Computing? Try Probabilistic Computing

An engineer channels Galileo to describe a new approach to computing: p-bits.

To Learn to Deal With Uncertainty, This AI Plays Pong
From ACM TechNews

To Learn to Deal With Uncertainty, This AI Plays Pong

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a new algorithm that enables artificial intelligence models to account for uncertain data.

With Drones and Other Autonomous Vehicles, Safety Must Come First
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With Drones and Other Autonomous Vehicles, Safety Must Come First

Engineers developing drones or similar robotic helpers need to focus on mitigating the dangers.

Cybersecurity Report: 'Smart Farms' Are Hackable Farms
From ACM TechNews

Cybersecurity Report: 'Smart Farms' Are Hackable Farms

Researchers at China's Nanjing Agricultural University discovered unique cybersecurity issues stemming from agricultural Internet of Things applications.

Mining Traffic Data for Insights About the Pandemic
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Mining Traffic Data for Insights About the Pandemic

TomTom's 2020 analysis of the world's traffic shows how the coronavirus spread across the globe.

Search-and-Rescue Drone Locates Victims by Homing in on Their Phones
From ACM TechNews

Search-and-Rescue Drone Locates Victims by Homing in on Their Phones

The Search-And-Rescue DrOne platform integrates aerial drones, artificial intelligence, and smartphones to find survivors of disasters using signals from their...

AI Predicts Asymptomatic Carriers of Covid-19
From ACM TechNews

AI Predicts Asymptomatic Carriers of Covid-19

Researchers have developed a machine learning algorithm that can identify which people in a crowd most likely are asymptomatic carriers of Covid-19.

It's Too Easy to Hide Bias in Deep-Learning Systems
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It's Too Easy to Hide Bias in Deep-Learning Systems

Artificial intelligence makes it hard to tell when decision-making is biased.

Smart Algorithm Bursts Social Networks' 'Filter Bubbles'
From ACM TechNews

Smart Algorithm Bursts Social Networks' 'Filter Bubbles'

Finnish and Danish researchers have developed an algorithm that boosts diversity of exposure on social networks, while still ensuring widely shared content.

Superconducting Microprocessors? Turns Out They're Ultra-Efficient
From ACM TechNews

Superconducting Microprocessors? Turns Out They're Ultra-Efficient

Researchers at Japan's Yokohama National University report the creation of the first prototype superconducting microprocessor, which they said has no electrical...

DeepMind's AI Masters Games Without Even Being Taught the Rules
From ACM TechNews

DeepMind's AI Masters Games Without Even Being Taught the Rules

The MuZero artificial intelligence developed by Alphabet subsidiary DeepMind can master games without learning their rules beforehand.

App Aims to Reduce Deaths From Opioid Overdose
From ACM TechNews

App Aims to Reduce Deaths From Opioid Overdose

A Philadelphia-based pilot study tested an application for volunteers, which alerts them to opioid overdoses requiring naloxone.

Does AI in Healthcare Need More Emotion?
From ACM TechNews

Does AI in Healthcare Need More Emotion?

Emotion artificial intelligence applications in healthcare are rare, with many scientists skeptical of the technology's utility.

Thin Holographic Video Display for Mobile Phones
From ACM TechNews

Thin Holographic Video Display for Mobile Phones

At South Korea's Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, researchers invented a method for creating a thin holographic video display for mobile phones.

Dart-Shooting Drone Attacks Trees for Science
From ACM TechNews

Dart-Shooting Drone Attacks Trees for Science

Researchers have come up with a method to increase the efficiency of setting up sensor networks by using a drone as a launching platform for laser-aimed, sensor...

Disney Research Makes Robotic Gaze Interaction Eerily Lifelike
From ACM TechNews

Disney Research Makes Robotic Gaze Interaction Eerily Lifelike

A team of researchers is imbuing animatronic robots with lifelike eye gaze.

Throwable Robot Car Always Lands on Four Wheels
From ACM TechNews

Throwable Robot Car Always Lands on Four Wheels

Researchers at the U.S. Military Academy have developed robot that can be thrown or dropped and always lands the right way up.

Use AI to Convert Ancient Maps Into Satellite-Like Images
From ACM TechNews

Use AI to Convert Ancient Maps Into Satellite-Like Images

Researchers have developed a machine learning algorithm that can transform ancient maps into Google-style satellite image.

Here Comes the Internet of Plastic Things, No Batteries or Electronics Required
From ACM TechNews

Here Comes the Internet of Plastic Things, No Batteries or Electronics Required

Researchers at the University of Washington have developed a technique for three-dimensionally printing plastic objects that communicate with Wi-Fi devices without...
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