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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How Tech Automated the January 6 Investigations
From ACM TechNews

How Tech Automated the January 6 Investigations

Law enforcement increasingly is relying on technology to identify suspects.

A New Olympics Event: Algorithmic Video Surveillance
From ACM TechNews

A New Olympics Event: Algorithmic Video Surveillance

The upcoming Paris Summer Olympic Games will serve as a testbed for AI-powered video surveillance, and people's tolerance of its use.

Camera Stops Deepfakes at the Shutter
From ACM News

Camera Stops Deepfakes at the Shutter

Built-in content credentials verifies photos' authenticity.

Inflation Bites U.S. Engineering Salaries
From ACM TechNews

Inflation Bites U.S. Engineering Salaries

The IEEE-USA 2023 Salary and Benefits Survey indicates U.S. engineering salary growth lagged inflation for the second consecutive year, marking the first multiyear...

Teen's Pill-Tracking Device Attracts Interest from CVS Pharmacy
From ACM TechNews

Teen's Pill-Tracking Device Attracts Interest from CVS Pharmacy

U.S. pharmacy chain CVS is among those interested in a pill-tracking device created by Virginia-based high school student Archishma Marrapu.

Software Detective Debunked Mike Lindell's Election Fraud Claims
From ACM News

Software Detective Debunked Mike Lindell's Election Fraud Claims

Robert Zeidman was awarded $5 million by the arbitration panel.

5G Networks Are Worryingly Hackable
From ACM TechNews

5G Networks Are Worryingly Hackable

German security researchers determined 5G networks can be hacked, having breached and hijacked live networks in a series of "red teaming" exercises.

'Quantum-Safe' Crypto Hacked by 10-Year-Old PC
From ACM News

'Quantum-Safe' Crypto Hacked by 10-Year-Old PC

Many challenges still lie ahead for post-quantum cryptography.

Gaming-Related Malware on the Rise on Mobile, PCs
From ACM TechNews

Gaming-Related Malware on the Rise on Mobile, PCs

Analysts warn that popular online games are helping to spread malware on PCs and mobile devices.

To Fly a Drone in the U.S., You Now Must Pass FAA's TRUST Test
From ACM News

To Fly a Drone in the U.S., You Now Must Pass FAA's TRUST Test

New drone rules for recreational pilots.

Which City Rates as Best Place to Work in Tech?
From ACM TechNews

Which City Rates as Best Place to Work in Tech?

A professional social network surveyed users at technology firms in five U.S. cities to determine which cities they think treat tech workers best.

Cybersecurity Report: 'Smart Farms' Are Hackable Farms
From ACM TechNews

Cybersecurity Report: 'Smart Farms' Are Hackable Farms

Researchers at China's Nanjing Agricultural University discovered unique cybersecurity issues stemming from agricultural Internet of Things applications.

AI Predicts Asymptomatic Carriers of Covid-19
From ACM TechNews

AI Predicts Asymptomatic Carriers of Covid-19

Researchers have developed a machine learning algorithm that can identify which people in a crowd most likely are asymptomatic carriers of Covid-19.

Smart Algorithm Bursts Social Networks' 'Filter Bubbles'
From ACM TechNews

Smart Algorithm Bursts Social Networks' 'Filter Bubbles'

Finnish and Danish researchers have developed an algorithm that boosts diversity of exposure on social networks, while still ensuring widely shared content.

Japanese Town to Test Autonomous Amphibious Bus
From ACM TechNews

Japanese Town to Test Autonomous Amphibious Bus

The Japanese town of Naganohara will test a consortium's autonomous amphibious bus in a trial beginning in December and running through March 2021.

Untold History of AI: Algorithmic Bias Was Born in the 1980s
From ACM News

Untold History of AI: Algorithmic Bias Was Born in the 1980s

A medical school thought a computer program would make the admissions process fairer—but it did just the opposite.

Coding for Covid-19: Contest Calls on Developers to Help Fight the Pandemic
From ACM TechNews

Coding for Covid-19: Contest Calls on Developers to Help Fight the Pandemic

One track in this year's IBM Call for Code challenge focused on the Covid-19 pandemic.

Sneakier, More Sophisticated Malware On the Loose
From ACM TechNews

Sneakier, More Sophisticated Malware On the Loose

After analyzing more than 1 million samples of Android malware, researchershave found that malware coding is being hidden more cleverly.

China to Launch National Blockchain Network in 100 Cities
From ACM TechNews

China to Launch National Blockchain Network in 100 Cities

An alliance of Chinese government groups, banks, and technology firms plans to launch one of the first blockchain networks constructed and maintained by a central...

Screening Technique Finds 142 Malicious Apps in Apple's App Store
From ACM TechNews

Screening Technique Finds 142 Malicious Apps in Apple's App Store

Researchers have developed a method of detecting malicious apps that sneak through Apple's App Store screening process and onto some users’ phones.
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