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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Potential to Provide More Power For Portables
From ACM News

The Potential to Provide More Power For Portables

Graphene may hold the key to creating a power source for portable electronics that charges in seconds.

Is 'Good Enough' Computing Good Enough?
From Communications of the ACM

Is 'Good Enough' Computing Good Enough?

The energy-accuracy trade-off in approximate computing.

Online Privacy
From Communications of the ACM

Online Privacy: Regional Differences

How do the U.S., Europe, and Japan differ in their approaches to data protection — and what are they doing about it?

Looking and Learning: Image Identification and Enhanced Search
From ACM News

Looking and Learning: Image Identification and Enhanced Search

Advances in computer image recognition aspire to provide "a reasonable description in plain English."

Structural Electronics Come Online
From ACM News

Structural Electronics Come Online

Multifunction components are becoming more common as the world gets "smarter."

Leap Into the Future?
From ACM News

Leap Into the Future?

Whatever Magic Leap is working on, it could revolutionize the fields of augmented and virtual reality.

Keeping Online Reviews Honest
From Communications of the ACM

Keeping Online Reviews Honest

As online reviews become increasingly important to e-commerce and social media sites, computer scientists work on ways to ensure their authenticity.

If I Can Get Wi-Fi Here, I Can Get It Anywhere
From ACM News

If I Can Get Wi-Fi Here, I Can Get It Anywhere

New York has ambitious plans for its extensive network of pay telephones.

Google and Edx Put ‘youtube For Courses’ Platform on Hold
From ACM News

Google and Edx Put ‘youtube For Courses’ Platform on Hold

Their collaboration opens the edX platform to some new organizations, but individuals will have to wait a while longer.

Alternatives For the Mouse-Averse
From ACM News

Alternatives For the Mouse-Averse

Controlling computers with gestures offers greater potential than a mouse ever could.

Adding Depth to Mobile Imaging
From ACM News

Adding Depth to Mobile Imaging

Google's Project Tango aims to provide an additional dimension to the next generation of mobile devices.

Atoms Show The Way
From ACM News

Atoms Show The Way

A "quantum compass" will offer precise positioning data in places GPS cannot go.

Robots Compete in Disaster Scenarios
From Communications of the ACM

Robots Compete in Disaster Scenarios

The DARPA Robotics Challenge pitted teams from around the world against each other in a series of disaster-themed tasks.

Tcp/ip Turns 40
From ACM News

Tcp/ip Turns 40

Pioneers gather in Palo Alto to commemorate a foundational Internet technology.

Mind the Gap
From ACM News

Mind the Gap

Are there too few skilled computer and IT workers for the jobs available? If so, what can be done about it?

The Next Generation of Mobile
From ACM News

The Next Generation of Mobile

By 2020, everyone will know what '5G' means.

Is Fingerprint Security Reliable?
From ACM News

Is Fingerprint Security Reliable?

The strength of biometric locks on Apple's and Samsung's new phones may lie in their convenience.

Can AI Design a Video Game?
From ACM News

Can AI Design a Video Game?

Researcher Michael Cook thinks his ANGELINA software can design a video game—and that's not all.

How the Incite Project Allots Supercomputer Hours
From ACM News

How the Incite Project Allots Supercomputer Hours

Researchers vie for some of the billions of computer-hours available on two of the world’s fastest supercomputers.

2014 Bower Award Goes To… Validation
From ACM News

2014 Bower Award Goes To… Validation

Edmund Clarke will receive the Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science.
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