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authorMIT News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Toward the Semantic Web
From ACM TechNews

Toward the Semantic Web

The World Wide Web Consortium recently published the Rule Interchange Format, a new standard that should help bring the idea of the Semantic Web closer to reality...

From ACM TechNews

How the Brain Recognizes Objects

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's McGovern Institute of Brain Research have devised a computational model describing how the primate brain...

Machines That Learn Better
From ACM News

Machines That Learn Better

New mathematics will make it much easier to build machine-learning systems that tackle a wider range of problems.

When Good Enough is Better
From ACM TechNews

When Good Enough is Better

MIT researchers have developed a system that automatically finds parts of computer code where accuracy can be traded for significant increases in speed. 

Mastering Multicore
From ACM TechNews

Mastering Multicore

MIT researchers have developed software that makes computer simulations of physical systems run more efficiently on multicore chips. 

Computing, Sudoku-Style
From ACM News

Computing, Sudoku-Style

Though still in its infancy, the work of Alexey Radul as a postdoc at MIT could someday have consequences for artificial-intelligence research, parallel computing...

A Grand Unified Theory of AI
From ACM TechNews

A Grand Unified Theory of AI

MIT research scientist Noah Goodman has developed Church, a programming language that combines a rules-based artificial intelligence system with probabilistic inference...

From ACM TechNews

Context Is Ev . . . Well, Something, Anyway

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a way to improve object recognition systems by using information about their context. 

Sketch-Interpreting Software
From ACM News

Sketch-Interpreting Software

A new system that lets people enter data into a tablet computer simply by drawing diagrams on the screen could lead to interactive whiteboards.

Nonlinear Thinker
From ACM TechNews

Nonlinear Thinker

Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Pablo Parrilo has developed a set of techniques that makes it easier to understand nonlinear systems. Parrilo uses...

Picture-Driven Computing
From ACM TechNews

Picture-Driven Computing

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers have developed Sikuli, a system that enables computer users to write programs using screen shots of graphical...

Mit's Big Wheel in Copenhagen
From ACM TechNews

Mit's Big Wheel in Copenhagen

A bicycle wheel developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers features a hub packed with electronics that can perform multiple unique functions...

Inventing a Programming Language
From ACM TechNews

Inventing a Programming Language

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) professor Barbara Liskov, winner of ACM's 2008 A.M. Turing Award, recently delivered the first lecture of MIT's 2009...

Parallel Course
From ACM News

Parallel Course

In 1995, a good computer chip had a clock speed of about 100 megahertz. Seven years later, in 2002, a good computer chip had a clock speed of about three gigahertz...

Seeing Things
From ACM TechNews

Seeing Things

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) professor Antonio Torralba and students from the school's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) say...
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