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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectCommunications / Networking
authorMIT News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Living in the Digital Ecosystem
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Living in the Digital Ecosystem

LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman talks data mash-ups, entrepreneurship, and how his site keeps people honest.

Safer Skies
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Safer Skies

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has mandated that by 2020, all commercial aircraft—and small aircraft flying near most airports—must be equipped with...

Protecting Medical Implants from Attack
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Protecting Medical Implants from Attack

Millions of Americans have implantable medical devices, from pacemakers and defibrillators to brain stimulators and drug pumps; worldwide, 300,000 more people...

Streamlined Rules For Robots
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Streamlined Rules For Robots

With the explosion of the Internet and the commoditization of autonomous robots (such as the Roomba) and small sensors (such as the ones in most cell phones),...

Tracking the Flow of Knowledge
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Tracking the Flow of Knowledge

Do scientists' job locations have any impact on the way their work spreads? Or, in today’s highly networked world, does research flow around the globe without...

How to Control Complex Networks
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How to Control Complex Networks

At first glance, a diagram of the complex network of genes that regulate cellular metabolism might seem hopelessly complex, and efforts to control such a system...

Learning Science Through Gaming
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Learning Science Through Gaming

An MIT-produced interactive game, "Vanished," now being played by thousands online, offers a novel experiment in alternative science education.

Joichi Ito Named Director of MIT Media Lab
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Joichi Ito Named Director of MIT Media Lab

MIT announced that Joichi (“Joi” — pronounced “Joey”) Ito has been selected as the next director of the MIT Media Lab.

Constant Connection
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Constant Connection

For most of the 20th century, the paradigm of wireless communication was a radio station with a single high-power transmitter. As long as you were within 20 miles...

Secure, Synchronized, Social Tv
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Secure, Synchronized, Social Tv

Network coding is an innovative new approach to network design that promises much more efficient use of bandwidth, and MIT researchers have made seminal contributions...

Targeted Results
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Targeted Results

By envisioning data as "graphs," MIT researchers show how to find local solutions to otherwise overwhelmingly complex problems.

Dueling Algorithms
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Dueling Algorithms

There's an old joke about two hikers on a trail, one wearing hiking boots and the other running shoes. "Why the running shoes?" the first hiker asks. "In case...

'we Need to See Ahead'
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'we Need to See Ahead'

U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano emphasized the importance of science and technology research as a means of keeping the nation safe in an...

From ACM News

The Next Operating System

Operating systems for multicore chips will need more information about their own performance—and more resources for addressing whatever problems arise.

3D Tv? How About Holographic Tv?
From ACM News

3D Tv? How About Holographic Tv?

Using a single Xbox Kinect and standard graphics chips, MIT researchers demonstrate the highest frame rate yet for streaming holographic video.

Breaking Bottlenecks
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Breaking Bottlenecks

A new algorithm enables much faster dissemination of information through self-organizing networks with a few scattered choke points.

The Power of 'convergence'
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The Power of 'convergence'

In white paper, MIT scientists discuss potential for revolutionary advances in biomedicine and other fields.

Collective Memory
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Collective Memory

An MIT project provides a way to preserve information in constantly changing networks, without resorting to a shared server.

When the Playroom Is the Computer
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When the Playroom Is the Computer

A block-shaped robot that seems to roll onto a computer screen is part of an educational-media system that gets kids out of their chairs.

How Wise Are Crowds?
From ACM News

How Wise Are Crowds?

By melding economics and engineering, researchers show that as social networks get larger, they usually get better at sorting fact from fiction.
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