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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

New System Allows Optical 'deep Learning'
From ACM TechNews

New System Allows Optical 'deep Learning'

Researchers have developed a new approach to deep-learning computer systems that uses light instead of electricity.

Giving Robots a Sense of Touch
From ACM TechNews

Giving Robots a Sense of Touch

Researchers have mounted GelSight sensors on the grippers of robotic arms to provide robotic systems with greater sensitivity and dexterity.

Wearable System Helps Visually Impaired ­sers Navigate
From ACM TechNews

Wearable System Helps Visually Impaired ­sers Navigate

A new system to help visually impaired users navigate employs a three-dimensional camera, a belt with vibrational motors, and a refreshable Braille interface.

Faster, More Nimble Drones on the Horizon
From ACM TechNews

Faster, More Nimble Drones on the Horizon

Researchers have developed an algorithm to tune a Dynamic Vision Sensor camera to detect only specific changes in brightness that matter for a particular system...

New Scaling Law Predicts How Wheels Drive Over Sand
From ACM News

New Scaling Law Predicts How Wheels Drive Over Sand

When engineers design a new aircraft, they carry out much of the initial testing not on full-sized jets but on model planes that have been scaled down to fit inside...

Toward Mass-Producible Quantum Computers
From ACM TechNews

Toward Mass-Producible Quantum Computers

Researchers have developed a new method that could help lead to the development of practical, diamond-based quantum computing devices.

­sing Bitcoin to Prevent Identify Theft
From ACM TechNews

­sing Bitcoin to Prevent Identify Theft

A new system uses bitcoin's security mechanisms to foil online identify thieves.

Speeding ­p Quality Control For Biologics
From ACM TechNews

Speeding ­p Quality Control For Biologics

Engineers have developed a new method for analyzing biologics in production, based on a series of nanoscale filters.

Cinematography on the Fly
From ACM TechNews

Cinematography on the Fly

Researchers are working to improve the performance of autonomous drones in capturing video for movies.

Teaching Robots to Teach Other Robots
From ACM TechNews

Teaching Robots to Teach Other Robots

C-LEARN is a system designed to let users teach robots skills that they can pass along to other robots.

Teaching Robots to Teach Other Robots
From ACM News

Teaching Robots to Teach Other Robots

Most robots are programmed using one of two methods: learning from demonstration, in which they watch a task being done and then replicate it, or via motion-planning...

Mapping the Edge of Reality
From ACM TechNews

Mapping the Edge of Reality

Researchers have developed a genetic algorithm to confirm the rejection of classical ideas of causality.

Wireless Power Could Enable Ingestible Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Wireless Power Could Enable Ingestible Electronics

Researchers have developed a method for wirelessly powering ingestible electronic devices.

Not Stuck on Silicon
From ACM TechNews

Not Stuck on Silicon

Researchers have developed a new technique they say could reduce the overall cost of wafer technology.

Explained: Neural Networks
From ACM TechNews

Explained: Neural Networks

Deep learning is a new name for the neural-networking approach to artificial intelligence.

Researchers 'iron Out' Graphene's Wrinkles
From ACM TechNews

Researchers 'iron Out' Graphene's Wrinkles

Researchers  have developed methods to reduce and "iron out" wrinkles in graphene, potentially enabling faster and more efficient electronic and photonic devices...

Faster Page Loads
From ACM TechNews

Faster Page Loads

Flowtune is a new system for allocating bandwidth in datacenter networks.

A Big Leap Toward Tinier Lines
From ACM TechNews

A Big Leap Toward Tinier Lines

Researchers have developed a method that could make it possible to produce some of the narrowest microchip wires ever.

Protecting Web ­sers' Privacy
From ACM TechNews

Protecting Web ­sers' Privacy

Splinter is a new encryption system that disguises users' database queries so they reveal no private information.

Toward Printable, Sensor-Laden 'skin' For Robots
From ACM TechNews

Toward Printable, Sensor-Laden 'skin' For Robots

Researchers believe three-dimensional printing of flexible electronics integrating sensors and processing circuitry is key to bulk manufacturing of a robot "skin...
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