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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputers And Society
authorMIT News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Can Technology Help Teach Literacy in Poor Communities?
From ACM TechNews

Can Technology Help Teach Literacy in Poor Communities?

Three studies have found tablet use effective in improving performance on standardized tests of reading preparedness by children in economically disadvantaged countries...

Experiencing ­nderwater Worlds, Virtually
From ACM TechNews

Experiencing ­nderwater Worlds, Virtually

Dhruv Jain led the creation of a scuba-diving simulator as part of his Amphibian virtual reality project. 

Browsing in Public
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Browsing in Public

The new Eyebrowse system enables Web users to share self-selected aspects of their online activity with their friends and the general public. 

Enabling Human-Robot Rescue Teams
From ACM TechNews

Enabling Human-Robot Rescue Teams

Researchers say they have developed a new way of modeling robot collaboration. 

Hack-Proof Rfid Chips
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Hack-Proof Rfid Chips

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Texas Instruments have developed a virtually hack-proof radio-frequency identification chip.

A Virtual 'guide Dog' For Navigation
From ACM TechNews

A Virtual 'guide Dog' For Navigation

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have modified an algorithm for processing three-dimensional camera data, with power conservation in mind. 

Neil Gershenfeld and the Spread of Fab Labs
From ACM TechNews

Neil Gershenfeld and the Spread of Fab Labs

Neil Gershenfeld, director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Center for Bits and Atoms, discusses the growth and impact of the Fab Lab project. 

Untraceable Communication Guaranteed
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Untraceable Communication Guaranteed

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have unveiled an untraceable text-messaging system designed to foil even the most powerful adversaries.

Untraceable Communication—guaranteed
From ACM News

Untraceable Communication—guaranteed

Anonymity networks, which sit on top of the public Internet, are designed to conceal people’s Web-browsing habits from prying eyes.

A Basis For All Cryptography
From ACM TechNews

A Basis For All Cryptography

The inability to practically apply indistinguishability obfuscation to deliver secure cryptography may be mitigated with an efficient method for functional encryption...

Predicting Change in the Alzheimer's Brain
From ACM TechNews

Predicting Change in the Alzheimer's Brain

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers are developing a computer system that uses multiple types of data to help predict the effects of disease on brain...

More-Flexible Machine Learning
From ACM TechNews

More-Flexible Machine Learning

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers plan to present a machine-learning technique that enables semantically-related concepts to reinforce each other...

Ethical Trials, Targeted Ads
From ACM TechNews

Ethical Trials, Targeted Ads

Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Philippe Rigollet and colleagues have developed an approach they say increases the effectiveness of online ads.

Learning Spoken Language
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Learning Spoken Language

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a machine-learning system that can learn to distinguish spoken words.

Self-Driving Golf Carts
From ACM TechNews

Self-Driving Golf Carts

The Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology recently conducted an experiment in which self-driving golf carts carried 500 tourists around winding paths...

­avs Learn to Fly Solo
From ACM TechNews

­avs Learn to Fly Solo

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Robust Robotics Group want to teach unmanned aerial vehicles and other robots to think for themselves...

Making the New Silicon
From ACM TechNews

Making the New Silicon

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers say they have developed gallium nitride transistors to power electronic circuits.

Siting Wind Farms More Quickly, Cheaply
From ACM TechNews

Siting Wind Farms More Quickly, Cheaply

Researchers say they have developed a statistical technique that yields better wind-speed predictions than existing techniques. 

Computing at the Speed of Light
From ACM TechNews

Computing at the Speed of Light

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researcher Sergio Cantu studies how light can act as an information carrier in computing and calculating. 

Can Phone Data Detect Real-Time Unemployment?
From ACM TechNews

Can Phone Data Detect Real-Time Unemployment?

A multi-university team of researchers has demonstrated that mobile phone data can provide rapid insight into changing employment levels. 
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