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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectHuman Computer Interaction
authorMIT News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Robot Revolution Is Just Beginning
From ACM News

The Robot Revolution Is Just Beginning

When industrial robots were first introduced in the early 1960s initially on automobile assembly lines—computers were still in their infancy, so the robots were...

Self-Sculpting Sand
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Self-Sculpting Sand

Imagine that you have a big box of sand in which you bury a tiny model of a footstool.

From ACM News

Guiding Robot Planes with Hand Gestures

Aircraft-carrier crew use a set of standard hand gestures to guide planes on the carrier deck. But as robot planes are increasingly used for routine air missions...

Sometimes the Quickest Path Is Not a Sraight Line
From ACM News

Sometimes the Quickest Path Is Not a Sraight Line

Sometimes the fastest pathway from point A to point B is not a straight line: for example, if you're underwater and contending with strong and shifting currents...

Hail to the Geeks
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Hail to the Geeks

Basketball dominates the American sports landscape in March. So perhaps it’s fitting that the sixth annual MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, held last week...

Mitx Prototype Course Opens For Enrollment
From ACM Careers

Mitx Prototype Course Opens For Enrollment

In December, MIT announced the launch of an online learning initiative called "MITx." Starting this week, interested learners can now enroll for free in the initiative’s...

From ACM News

The Mathematics of Taste

The design of aromas—the flavors of packaged food and drink and the scents of cleaning products, toiletries and other household items—is a multibillion-dollar business...

From ACM News

Speed Limit For Birds

The northern goshawk is one of nature’s diehard thrill-seekers.

How Research Goes Viral
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How Research Goes Viral

Scores of interesting new findings from the biosciences may speed around the globe at the click of a mouse, but one thing particularly encourages other researchers...

3-D Cameras For Cellphones
From ACM TechNews

3-D Cameras For Cellphones

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers are developing a three-dimensional device that provides more accurate depth information than Microsoft's Kinect...

Traditional Social Networks Fueled Twitter's Spread
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Traditional Social Networks Fueled Twitter's Spread

We've all heard it: The Internet has flattened the world, allowing social networks to spring up overnight, independent of geography or socioeconomic status.

Data Mining Without Prejudice
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Data Mining Without Prejudice

A new technique for finding relationships between variables in large data sets makes no prior assumptions about what those relationships might be.

Putting the 'art' in Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

Putting the 'art' in Artificial Intelligence

Like many kids, Antonio Torralba began playing around with computers when he was 13 years old. Unlike many of his friends, though, he was not playing video games...

Robots in Reality
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Robots in Reality

Consider the following scenario: A scout surveys a high-rise building that's been crippled by an earthquake, trapping workers inside. After looking for a point...

Tiny Stamps for Tiny Sensors
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Tiny Stamps for Tiny Sensors

Advances in microchip technology may someday enable clinicians to perform tests for hundreds of diseases—sifting out specific molecules, such as early stage cancer...

Seeing Through Walls
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Seeing Through Walls

Researchers at MIT's Lincoln Lab have developed new radar technology that provides real-time video of what’s going on behind solid walls.

Smarter Robot Arms
From ACM News

Smarter Robot Arms

A combination of two algorithms developed at MIT allows autonomous robots to execute tasks much more efficiently—and move more predictably.

Printing Off the Paper
From ACM News

Printing Off the Paper

Imagine being able to "print" an entire house. Or a four-course dinner. Or a complete mechanical device such as a cuckoo clock, fully assembled and ready to run...

In Plane View
From ACM News

In Plane View

An airplane’s digital flight-data recorder, or "black box," holds massive amounts of data, documenting the performance of engines, cockpit controls, hydraulic...

Increasing Fuel Efficiency With a Smartphone
From ACM TechNews

Increasing Fuel Efficiency With a Smartphone

Researchers at MIT and Princeton University have developed SignalGuru, a system that uses a network of smartphones mounted on a car dashboard to collect information...
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