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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectHuman Computer Interaction
authorMIT News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Collective Memory
From ACM News

Collective Memory

An MIT project provides a way to preserve information in constantly changing networks, without resorting to a shared server.

When the Playroom Is the Computer
From ACM News

When the Playroom Is the Computer

A block-shaped robot that seems to roll onto a computer screen is part of an educational-media system that gets kids out of their chairs.

How Wise Are Crowds?
From ACM News

How Wise Are Crowds?

By melding economics and engineering, researchers show that as social networks get larger, they usually get better at sorting fact from fiction.

Social Studies
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Social Studies

In MIT's Human Dynamics Lab, Sandy Pentland uses cellphones and wearable sensors to research nonverbal signals, information flow, and the value of face-to-face...

Teaching Real-World Programming
From ACM News

Teaching Real-World Programming

In an innovative software-engineering class, students meet for regular "code reviews" with senior programmers from Boston-area companies.

Programming Crowds
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Programming Crowds

With the Web, people worldwide can work on distributed tasks. But getting reliable results requires algorithms that specify workflow between people, not transistors...

Can You Find Me Now?
From ACM News

Can You Find Me Now?

By demonstrating fundamental limits on their accuracy, MIT researchers show how to improve wireless location-detection systems.

The MIT Roots of Google
From ACM News

The MIT Roots of Google

Google’s App Inventor, which lets people with no previous programming experience build applications for mobile phones, draws on decades of MIT research.

From ACM TechNews

How the Brain Recognizes Objects

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's McGovern Institute of Brain Research have devised a computational model describing how the primate brain...

Tv Outside the Box
From ACM TechNews

Tv Outside the Box

MIT researchers have developed Surround Vision, a system that works with Internet-connected handheld devices to enable TV viewers to see what is happening off screen...

In Profile: Missy Cummings
From ACM TechNews

In Profile: Missy Cummings

Professor Mary (Missy) Cummings, director of MIT's Humans and Automation Laboratory, wants to make it easier for humans to supervise automatic control systems,...

Sketch-Interpreting Software
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Sketch-Interpreting Software

A new system that lets people enter data into a tablet computer simply by drawing diagrams on the screen could lead to interactive whiteboards.

Picture-Driven Computing
From ACM TechNews

Picture-Driven Computing

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers have developed Sikuli, a system that enables computer users to write programs using screen shots of graphical...

Computing With a Wave of the Hand
From ACM TechNews

Computing With a Wave of the Hand

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab researchers have devised a way to turn liquid crystal displays (LCDs) into lens-less cameras through the use of...

Parallel Course
From ACM News

Parallel Course

In 1995, a good computer chip had a clock speed of about 100 megahertz. Seven years later, in 2002, a good computer chip had a clock speed of about three gigahertz...

Ishii Develops 'hands-On' ­ser Interfaces
From ACM TechNews

Ishii Develops 'hands-On' ­ser Interfaces

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab researcher Hiroshi Ishii is developing tactile user interfaces that are designed to integrate computer use...
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