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authorMIT News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

E.T., We're Home
From ACM News

E.T., We're Home

If extraterrestrial intelligence exists somewhere in our galaxy, a new MIT study proposes that laser technology on Earth could, in principle, be fashioned into...

Wireless Communication Breaks Through Water-Air Barrier
From ACM News

Wireless Communication Breaks Through Water-Air Barrier

MIT researchers have taken a step toward solving a longstanding challenge with wireless communication: direct data transmission between underwater and airborne...

How to Control Robots with Brainwaves and Hand Gestures
From ACM News

How to Control Robots with Brainwaves and Hand Gestures

Getting robots to do things isn't easy: Usually, scientists have to either explicitly program them or get them to understand how humans communicate via language...

Making Driverless Cars Change Lanes More Like Human Drivers Do
From ACM News

Making Driverless Cars Change Lanes More Like Human Drivers Do

A new algorithm developed by the MIT CSAIL could improve the way driverless vehicles change lanes. The algorithm allows for more aggressive lane changes and will...

Fundamental Equations Guide Marine Robots to Optimal Sampling Sites
From ACM News

Fundamental Equations Guide Marine Robots to Optimal Sampling Sites

Observing the world's oceans is increasingly a mission assigned to autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs)—marine robots that are designed to drift, drive, or glide...

Engineers Design Artificial Synapse For 'brain-on-a-Chip' Hardware
From ACM News

Engineers Design Artificial Synapse For 'brain-on-a-Chip' Hardware

When it comes to processing power, the human brain just can't be beat.

Reshaping Computer-Aided Design
From ACM TechNews

Reshaping Computer-Aided Design

Researchers have developed InstantCAD to facilitate interactive real-time editing, enhancement, and optimization of computer-aided design  models via a simpler...

New Scaling Law Predicts How Wheels Drive Over Sand
From ACM News

New Scaling Law Predicts How Wheels Drive Over Sand

When engineers design a new aircraft, they carry out much of the initial testing not on full-sized jets but on model planes that have been scaled down to fit inside...

Teaching Robots to Teach Other Robots
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Teaching Robots to Teach Other Robots

Most robots are programmed using one of two methods: learning from demonstration, in which they watch a task being done and then replicate it, or via motion-planning...

Smart Automation
From ACM TechNews

Smart Automation

Researchers at the Singapore-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alliance for Research and Technology have spent the last several years developing autonomous...

Design Your Own Custom Drone
From ACM TechNews

Design Your Own Custom Drone

Researchers have developed a way for consumers to design and develop drones to meet their unique specifications.

Driverless-Vehicle Options Now Include Scooters
From ACM TechNews

Driverless-Vehicle Options Now Include Scooters

Researchers have developed an autonomous mobility scooter using the same sensor configuration and software used in previous trials of autonomous cars and golf carts...

Making It Easier to Collaborate on Code
From ACM TechNews

Making It Easier to Collaborate on Code

A team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has developed an interface that addresses many of the core problems of the powerful open source tool Git.

Faster Parallel Computing
From ACM TechNews

Faster Parallel Computing

Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have developed a new programming language.

Scientists Program Cells to Remember and Respond to Series of Stimuli
From ACM News

Scientists Program Cells to Remember and Respond to Series of Stimuli

Synthetic biology allows researchers to program cells to perform novel functions such as fluorescing in response to a particular chemical or producing drugs in...

How to Stay Anonymous Online
From ACM News

How to Stay Anonymous Online

Anonymity networks protect people living under repressive regimes from surveillance of their Internet use. But the recent discovery of vulnerabilities in the most...

'super Mario Brothers' Is Hard
From ACM TechNews

'super Mario Brothers' Is Hard

Researchers found the problem of solving a level in the "Super Mario Brothers" video game is as challenging as the most vexing problems in the PSPACE complexity...

Automatic Bug Finder
From ACM TechNews

Automatic Bug Finder

Researchers have moved closer to enabling symbolic execution of applications written via programming frameworks. 

Self-Driving Cars, Meet Rubber Duckies
From ACM TechNews

Self-Driving Cars, Meet Rubber Duckies

A course in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory aimed to create a fleet of duckie-adorned self-driving...

Robotic Consensus
From ACM News

Robotic Consensus

Planning algorithms for teams of robots fall into two categories: centralized algorithms, in which a single computer makes decisions for the whole team, and decentralized...
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