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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Self-Completing Programs
From ACM News

Self-Completing Programs

Since he was a graduate student, Armando Solar-Lezama, an associate professor in MIT's Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, has been working...

Smarter Caching
From ACM News

Smarter Caching

Computer chips keep getting faster because transistors keep getting smaller.

Herding Robots
From ACM TechNews

Herding Robots

Researchers say they have developed a system that combines existing robotic control programs to enable multiagent systems to collaborate in complex ways. 

From ACM News

Herding Robots

Writing a program to control a single autonomous robot navigating an uncertain environment with an erratic communication link is hard enough; write one for multiple...

Bringing the World Reboot-Less ­pdates
From ACM TechNews

Bringing the World Reboot-Less ­pdates

The Ksplice software automatically applies patches to an operating system without having to reboot. 

Seeing Things: A New Transparent Display System Could Provide Heads-up Data
From ACM News

Seeing Things: A New Transparent Display System Could Provide Heads-up Data

Transparent displays have a variety of potential applications—such as the ability to see navigation or dashboard information while looking through the windshield...

Marvin Minsky Honored For Lifetime Achievements in Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

Marvin Minsky Honored For Lifetime Achievements in Artificial Intelligence

MIT Media Lab professor emeritus Marvin Minsky, 86, a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence, has won the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award...

New Algorithm Can Dramatically Streamline Solutions to the 'max Flow' Problem
From ACM News

New Algorithm Can Dramatically Streamline Solutions to the 'max Flow' Problem

Finding the most efficient way to transport items across a network like the U.S. highway system or the Internet is a problem that has taxed mathematicians and computer...

New Approach to Vertex Connectivity Could Maximize Networks' Bandwidth
From ACM TechNews

New Approach to Vertex Connectivity Could Maximize Networks' Bandwidth

Researchers say they have developed a technique for addressing vertex-connectivity problems. 

Graphene Can Host Exotic New Quantum Electronic States at Its Edges
From ACM TechNews

Graphene Can Host Exotic New Quantum Electronic States at Its Edges

Researchers have uncovered unexpected features of graphene that appear under extreme conditions, which could allow the material to be used for exotic applications...

Never Forget a Face
From ACM TechNews

Never Forget a Face

A new algorithm makes subtle changes to various points on a face to make it more memorable without changing the subject's overall appearance. 

New System Allows For High-Accuracy, Through-Wall, 3D Motion Tracking
From ACM TechNews

New System Allows For High-Accuracy, Through-Wall, 3D Motion Tracking

WiTrack is a new a three-dimensional (3D) motion-tracking technology that uses radio signals to track a person through walls and other obstacles. 

New System Allows For High-Accuracy, Through-Wall, 3D Motion Tracking
From ACM News

New System Allows For High-Accuracy, Through-Wall, 3D Motion Tracking

Imagine playing a video game like Call of Duty or Battlefield and having the ability to lead your virtual army unit while moving freely throughout your house.

3-D Images, With Only One Photon Per Pixel
From ACM News

3-D Images, With Only One Photon Per Pixel

Lidar rangefinders, which are common tools in surveying and in autonomous-vehicle control, among other applications, gauge depth by emitting short bursts of laser...

Inexpensive 'nano-Camera' Can Operate at the Speed of Light
From ACM TechNews

Inexpensive 'nano-Camera' Can Operate at the Speed of Light

Researchers have created a $500 "nano-camera" that operates at the speed of light and could have applications in areas like medical imaging. 

'wise Chisels': Art, Craftsmanship, and Power Tools
From ACM News

'wise Chisels': Art, Craftsmanship, and Power Tools

It's often easy to tell at a glance the difference between a mass-produced object and one that has been handcrafted: The handmade item is likely to have distinctive...

MIT Big Data Initiative Launches Transportation Challenge, Privacy Working Group
From ACM TechNews

MIT Big Data Initiative Launches Transportation Challenge, Privacy Working Group

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab's Big Data Initiative recently announced two new activities aimed at...

How to Program Unreliable Chips
From ACM News

How to Program Unreliable Chips

As transistors get smaller, they also become less reliable.

Big Plans For Small Spacecraft
From ACM News

Big Plans For Small Spacecraft

It's hard to miss the rocket engine in Paulo Lozano's MIT office.

Dude, Where's My Code?
From ACM TechNews

Dude, Where's My Code?

Stack is a new system that automatically combs through programmers' code, identifying those lines that compilers might discard, but that could be functional. 
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