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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputers And Society
authorMIT News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Does This AI Think Like a Human?
From ACM TechNews

Does This AI Think Like a Human?

Scientists have developed the Shared Interest method for rapidly analyzing a machine learning model's behavior by evaluating its individual explanations.

Solving the Challenges of Robotic Pizza-Making
From ACM TechNews

Solving the Challenges of Robotic Pizza-Making

Researchers have created an architecture for a robotic manipulation system that could teach robots to handle pizza dough.

Fighting Discrimination in Mortgage Lending
From ACM TechNews

Fighting Discrimination in Mortgage Lending

To help combat discrimination in mortgage lending, a new process can remove bias from the data used to train machine learning models.

Making Quantum Circuits More Robust
From ACM TechNews

Making Quantum Circuits More Robust

A team led by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has developed a framework to make quantum circuits more resilient to noise.

Injecting Fairness into ML Models
From ACM TechNews

Injecting Fairness into ML Models

Researchers have devleoped a method of incorporating fairness into machine learning models, even if they are trained on unfair data.

A Security Technique to Fool Would-Be Cyberattackers
From ACM TechNews

A Security Technique to Fool Would-Be Cyberattackers

A new technique to prevent memory timing side-channel attacks by malware exploits memory hardware common to multiple programs running on the same computer.

Toward a Stronger Defense of Personal Data
From ACM TechNews

Toward a Stronger Defense of Personal Data

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have designed an integrated circuit chip that can thwart power side-channel attacks using less energy than...

AI System Rapidly Predicts How Two Proteins Will Attach
From ACM TechNews

AI System Rapidly Predicts How Two Proteins Will Attach

An artificial intelligence model can forecast the binding configuration of two proteins.

A New Language for Quantum Computing
From ACM News

A New Language for Quantum Computing

Twist is an MIT-developed programming language that can describe and verify which pieces of data are entangled to prevent bugs in a quantum program.

ML Speeds Up Vehicle Routing
From ACM TechNews

ML Speeds Up Vehicle Routing

A new machine learning approach could speed up vehicle routing algorithms, which tend to slow down when applied to large urban datasets.

Tiny ML Design Alleviates Bottleneck in Memory Usage on IoT Devices
From ACM TechNews

Tiny ML Design Alleviates Bottleneck in Memory Usage on IoT Devices

Researchers come up with a machine learning method to reduce the amount of memory required for Internet of Things devices.

Machines That See the World More Like Humans Do
From ACM TechNews

Machines That See the World More Like Humans Do

The 3D Scene Perception via Probabilistic Programming system helps machines perceive the world in a more human-like manner.

Generating a Realistic 3D World
From ACM TechNews

Generating a Realistic 3D World

Researchers developed the ThreeDWorld platform to simulate high-fidelity audio and visual environments.

Taking Some Guesswork Out of Drug Discovery
From ACM TechNews

Taking Some Guesswork Out of Drug Discovery

The deep learning GeoMol model can rapidly predict the three-dimensional shapes of drug-like molecules, which could expedite drug discovery.

Timber or Steel? Study Helps Builders Reduce Carbon Footprint of Truss Structures
From ACM TechNews

Timber or Steel? Study Helps Builders Reduce Carbon Footprint of Truss Structures

Architects and engineers could design truss structures minimizing embodied carbon by using a new set of computational tools.

Making ML More Useful to High-Stakes Decision Makers
From ACM TechNews

Making ML More Useful to High-Stakes Decision Makers

An international research team developed a visual analytics tool to address challenges faced by child welfare specialists using machine learning models to screen...

AI Sheds Light on How the Brain Processes Language
From ACM TechNews

AI Sheds Light on How the Brain Processes Language

Research by neuroscientists suggests the latest predictive language models' underlying mechanism functions similarly to the human brain's language-processing centers...

Artificial Networks Learn to Smell Like the Brain
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Networks Learn to Smell Like the Brain

A machine learning model can train itself to smell by building an artificial neural network that mimics the brain's odor-processing olfactory circuits.

One Giant Leap for the Mini Cheetah
From ACM TechNews

One Giant Leap for the Mini Cheetah

A new control system enhances the speed and agility of legged robots as they leap across gaps.

Accelerating the Discovery of Materials for 3D Printing
From ACM TechNews

Accelerating the Discovery of Materials for 3D Printing

Researchers have developed a less costly, less wasteful machine learning system for identifying three-dimensionally-printable materials.
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