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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorMIT News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Deep-Learning Algorithm Predicts Photos' Memorability at "near-Human" Levels
From ACM TechNews

Deep-Learning Algorithm Predicts Photos' Memorability at "near-Human" Levels

Researchers say they have developed an algorithm that can predict how memorable or forgettable a given image is almost as accurately as humans. 

Robots and US
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Robots and US

The dream of full automation is outdated and does not lead to the best outcomes, according to Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor David Mindell.

Predicting Change in the Alzheimer's Brain
From ACM TechNews

Predicting Change in the Alzheimer's Brain

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers are developing a computer system that uses multiple types of data to help predict the effects of disease on brain...

More-Flexible Machine Learning
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More-Flexible Machine Learning

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers plan to present a machine-learning technique that enables semantically-related concepts to reinforce each other...

Learning Spoken Language
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Learning Spoken Language

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a machine-learning system that can learn to distinguish spoken words.

­avs Learn to Fly Solo
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­avs Learn to Fly Solo

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Robust Robotics Group want to teach unmanned aerial vehicles and other robots to think for themselves...

Object Recognition For Robots
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Object Recognition For Robots

John Leonard's group in the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering specializes in SLAM, or simultaneous localization and mapping, the technique whereby mobile...

MIT Cheetah Robot Lands the Running Jump
From ACM TechNews

MIT Cheetah Robot Lands the Running Jump

A robotic cheetah built by Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers is now the first four-legged robot to run and jump over obstacles autonomously. 

MIT Engineers Hand 'cognitive' Control to ­nderwater Robots
From ACM TechNews

MIT Engineers Hand 'cognitive' Control to ­nderwater Robots

Researchers have developed a new approach to programming autonomous underwater vehicles that increases their "cognitive" capabilities.

Graphics in Reverse
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Graphics in Reverse

Programs of less than 50 lines in a probabilistic programming language are as effective as conventional systems for completing some standard computer-vision tasks...

Vision System For Household Robots
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Vision System For Household Robots

A new algorithm can aggregate perspectives and recognize four times as many objects as one that uses a single perspective, while reducing misidentifications. 

Vision System For Household Robots
From ACM News

Vision System For Household Robots

For household robots ever to be practical, they'll need to be able to recognize the objects they're supposed to manipulate.

In One Aspect of Vision, Computers Catch ­p to Primate Brain
From ACM TechNews

In One Aspect of Vision, Computers Catch ­p to Primate Brain

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have found the most recent version of deep neural networks match the primate brain. 

More-Flexible Digital Communication
From ACM TechNews

More-Flexible Digital Communication

Researchers say they have begun to describe theoretical limits on the degree of imprecision that communicating computers can tolerate. 

Projecting a Robot's Intentions
From ACM TechNews

Projecting a Robot's Intentions

Measurable virtual reality combines ceiling-mounted projectors with motion-capture technology and animation software to project a robot's intentions in real time...

Fingertip Sensor Gives Robot ­nprecedented Dexterity
From ACM TechNews

Fingertip Sensor Gives Robot ­nprecedented Dexterity

Researchers have developed a robot equipped with tactile sensors that enable it to grasp a USB cable draped over a hook and insert it into a USB port. 

Will Tomorrow's Robots Move Like Snakes?
From ACM TechNews

Will Tomorrow's Robots Move Like Snakes?

Researchers have developed a soft robotic arm, inspired by octopus tentacles, that can snake through a pipelike environment without a human operator. 

Origami Robot Folds Itself ­p, Crawls Away
From ACM News

Origami Robot Folds Itself ­p, Crawls Away

For years, a team of researchers at MIT and Harvard University has been working on origami robots—reconfigurable robots that would be able to fold themselves into...

Think Fast, Robot
From ACM News

Think Fast, Robot

One of the reasons we don't yet have self-driving cars and mini-helicopters delivering online purchases is that autonomous vehicles tend not to perform well under...

Computer System Automatically Solves Word Problems
From ACM News

Computer System Automatically Solves Word Problems

Researchers in MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, working with colleagues at the University of Washington, have developed a new computer...
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