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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorMIT News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Herding Robots

Writing a program to control a single autonomous robot navigating an uncertain environment with an erratic communication link is hard enough; write one for multiple...

Marvin Minsky Honored For Lifetime Achievements in Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

Marvin Minsky Honored For Lifetime Achievements in Artificial Intelligence

MIT Media Lab professor emeritus Marvin Minsky, 86, a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence, has won the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award...

Never Forget a Face
From ACM TechNews

Never Forget a Face

A new algorithm makes subtle changes to various points on a face to make it more memorable without changing the subject's overall appearance. 

Better Robot Vision
From ACM TechNews

Better Robot Vision

Researchers  have developed a robot-vision algorithm they say is 15 percent better than its best competitor at identifying familiar objects in cluttered scenes. ...

Artificial-Intelligence Research Revives Its Old Ambitions
From ACM TechNews

Artificial-Intelligence Research Revives Its Old Ambitions

Artificial intelligence research has advanced significantly, but much work remains before computers can truly replicate or surpass human intelligence. 

Artificial-Intelligence Research Revives Its Old Ambitions
From ACM News

Artificial-Intelligence Research Revives Its Old Ambitions

The birth of artificial-intelligence research as an autonomous discipline is generally thought to have been the monthlong Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial...

Automatically Grading Programming Homework
From ACM TechNews

Automatically Grading Programming Homework

Researchers have created software that points out inaccuracies in student programming and offers suggestions for improvement. 

New Research Could Let Vehicles, Robots Collaborate with Humans
From ACM TechNews

New Research Could Let Vehicles, Robots Collaborate with Humans

Researchers are developing robotic systems that can negotiate with people to determine the best way to achieve their goals.

Teaching Robots Lateral Thinking
From ACM News

Teaching Robots Lateral Thinking

Many commercial robotic arms perform what roboticists call "pick and place" tasks: The arm picks up an object in one location and places it in another.

The Robotic Equivalent of a Swiss Army Knife
From ACM TechNews

The Robotic Equivalent of a Swiss Army Knife

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed milli-motein, a tiny robot that could lead to future devices that can fold themselves into almost...

The Robotic Equivalent of a Swiss Army Knife
From ACM News

The Robotic Equivalent of a Swiss Army Knife

The device doesn't look like much: a caterpillar-sized assembly of metal rings and strips resembling something you might find buried in a home-workshop drawer.

3 Questions: A Web For Everyone
From ACM Opinion

3 Questions: A Web For Everyone

During the opening ceremonies of this summer’s Olympic games in London, a musical performance culminated with a stage-set house rising into the rafters to reveal...

The Robot Revolution Is Just Beginning
From ACM News

The Robot Revolution Is Just Beginning

When industrial robots were first introduced in the early 1960s initially on automobile assembly lines—computers were still in their infancy, so the robots were...

Self-Sculpting Sand
From ACM News

Self-Sculpting Sand

Imagine that you have a big box of sand in which you bury a tiny model of a footstool.

From ACM News

Guiding Robot Planes with Hand Gestures

Aircraft-carrier crew use a set of standard hand gestures to guide planes on the carrier deck. But as robot planes are increasingly used for routine air missions...

From ACM News

Speed Limit For Birds

The northern goshawk is one of nature’s diehard thrill-seekers.

Putting the 'art' in Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

Putting the 'art' in Artificial Intelligence

Like many kids, Antonio Torralba began playing around with computers when he was 13 years old. Unlike many of his friends, though, he was not playing video games...

Robots in Reality
From ACM News

Robots in Reality

Consider the following scenario: A scout surveys a high-rise building that's been crippled by an earthquake, trapping workers inside. After looking for a point...

Smarter Robot Arms
From ACM News

Smarter Robot Arms

A combination of two algorithms developed at MIT allows autonomous robots to execute tasks much more efficiently—and move more predictably.

Streamlined Rules For Robots
From ACM News

Streamlined Rules For Robots

With the explosion of the Internet and the commoditization of autonomous robots (such as the Roomba) and small sensors (such as the ones in most cell phones),...
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