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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorMIT News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Honing Household Helpers
From ACM News

Honing Household Helpers

Imagine a robot able to retrieve a pile of laundry from the back of a cluttered closet, deliver it to a washing machine, start the cycle and then zip off to the...

Joichi Ito Named Director of MIT Media Lab
From ACM News

Joichi Ito Named Director of MIT Media Lab

MIT announced that Joichi (“Joi” — pronounced “Joey”) Ito has been selected as the next director of the MIT Media Lab.

Programming Crowds
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Programming Crowds

With the Web, people worldwide can work on distributed tasks. But getting reliable results requires algorithms that specify workflow between people, not transistors...

Shape-Shifting Robots
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Shape-Shifting Robots

Self-folding sheets of a plastic-like material point the way to robots that can assume any conceivable 3D structure.

Computer Automatically Deciphers Ancient Language
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Computer Automatically Deciphers Ancient Language

A new system that took a couple hours to decipher much of the ancient language Ugaritic could help improve online translation software.

Seeing the Forest For the Trees
From ACM TechNews

Seeing the Forest For the Trees

New object recognition systems that deconstruct images into ever smaller elements, using methods developed at MIT and UCLA, should be much more efficient than previous...

Computing, Sudoku-Style
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Computing, Sudoku-Style

Though still in its infancy, the work of Alexey Radul as a postdoc at MIT could someday have consequences for artificial-intelligence research, parallel computing...

Robotic Therapy Helps Stroke Patients Regain Function
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Robotic Therapy Helps Stroke Patients Regain Function

Stroke patients who received robot-assisted therapy were able to regain some ability to use their arms, even if the stroke had occurred years earlier, according...

A Grand Unified Theory of AI
From ACM TechNews

A Grand Unified Theory of AI

MIT research scientist Noah Goodman has developed Church, a programming language that combines a rules-based artificial intelligence system with probabilistic inference...

From ACM TechNews

Context Is Ev . . . Well, Something, Anyway

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a way to improve object recognition systems by using information about their context. 

What Computer Science Can Teach Economics
From ACM TechNews

What Computer Science Can Teach Economics

Professor Constantinos Daskalakis in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory is applying the theory...

Seeing Things
From ACM TechNews

Seeing Things

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) professor Antonio Torralba and students from the school's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) say...
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