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subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorMIT News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

System Detects Errors When Medication is Self-Administered
From ACM TechNews

System Detects Errors When Medication is Self-Administered

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a system to detect and reduce errors when patients administer their own medication.

How Humans Use Objects in Novel Ways to Solve Problems
From ACM TechNews

How Humans Use Objects in Novel Ways to Solve Problems

Researchers have developed a cognitive model that learns to use objects in novel ways to solve problems, like humans do.

A Neural Network Learns When It Should Not Be Trusted
From ACM TechNews

A Neural Network Learns When It Should Not Be Trusted

Researchers have enabled a neural network to rapidly process data, yielding both predictions and confidence levels based on the quality of the available data.

AI Model Detects Asymptomatic Covid-19 Infections Through Cellphone-Recorded Coughs
From ACM TechNews

AI Model Detects Asymptomatic Covid-19 Infections Through Cellphone-Recorded Coughs

A new artificial intelligence model between asymptomatic people infected with Covid-19 and healthy individuals via forced-cough recordings.

Autonomous Boats Could Be Your Next Ride
From ACM TechNews

Autonomous Boats Could Be Your Next Ride

Researchers have developed the world's first fleet of autonomous boats, along with algorithms to permit communication and collaboration among the boats.

Toward an ML Model That Can Reason About Everyday Actions
From ACM TechNews

Toward an ML Model That Can Reason About Everyday Actions

Researchers trained a hybrid language-vision machine learning model to recognize abstract concepts in video.

A Foolproof Way to Shrink Deep Learning Models
From ACM TechNews

A Foolproof Way to Shrink Deep Learning Models

Researchers have proposed a new technique for compressing deep learning models.

Reducing the Carbon Footprint of AI
From ACM TechNews

Reducing the Carbon Footprint of AI

Researchers have developed an automated artificial intelligence system for training and running certain types of neural networks, which has a small carbon footprint...

System Trains Driverless Cars in Simulation Before They Hit the Road
From ACM TechNews

System Trains Driverless Cars in Simulation Before They Hit the Road

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have created a simulation system to train driverless cars prior to their deployment on actual streets.

Showing Robots How to Do Your Chores
From ACM TechNews

Showing Robots How to Do Your Chores

A new system allows robots to learn complicated tasks that would normally confuse them with too many complicated rules.

'Sensorized' Skin Helps Soft Robots Find Their Bearings
From ACM TechNews

'Sensorized' Skin Helps Soft Robots Find Their Bearings

Researchers have created "sensorized" skin to increase soft robots' awareness of their bodily motion and orientation.   

Better Autonomous 'Reasoning' at Tricky Intersections
From ACM TechNews

Better Autonomous 'Reasoning' at Tricky Intersections

A new model can help autonomous vehicles determine when it is safe to proceed into traffic at intersections with obstructed views.

MIT's Fleet of Autonomous Boats Can Now Shapeshift
From ACM TechNews

MIT's Fleet of Autonomous Boats Can Now Shapeshift

Scientists have upgraded a fleet of autonomous boats to autonomously disconnect and reassemble into different forms of floating platforms, in the canals of Amsterdam...

AI Could Help Data Centers Run Far More Efficiently
From ACM TechNews

AI Could Help Data Centers Run Far More Efficiently

A new system automatically learns how to optimally allocate data processing workloads across thousands of servers as a means of boosting data center efficiency....

Guided by AI, Robotic Platform Automates Molecule Manufacture
From ACM TechNews

Guided by AI, Robotic Platform Automates Molecule Manufacture

A new artificial intelligence-guided system uses robots to automate small-molecule fabrication.

New AI Programming Language Goes Beyond Deep Learning
From ACM News

New AI Programming Language Goes Beyond Deep Learning

General-purpose language works for computer vision, robotics, statistics, and more.

From One Brain Scan, More Information for Medical AI
From ACM TechNews

From One Brain Scan, More Information for Medical AI

Researchers at MIT have developed a system to gather more information from images used to train machine-learning models, including those that can analyze medical...

Algorithm Tells Robots Where Nearby Humans are Headed
From ACM TechNews

Algorithm Tells Robots Where Nearby Humans are Headed

A new algorithm accurately aligns partial trajectories in real time, allowing motion predictors in self-driving cars to accurately anticipate the timing of a person's...

Autonomous Boats Can Target, Latch Onto Each Other
From ACM TechNews

Autonomous Boats Can Target, Latch Onto Each Other

Researchers have designed autonomous boats that can automatically target and latch onto each other.

Bringing Human-Like Reasoning to Driverless Car Navigation
From ACM TechNews

Bringing Human-Like Reasoning to Driverless Car Navigation

A new system could enable autonomous vehicles to navigate complex environments by checking a basic global positioning system-like map and employing video feeds....
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