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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectPerformance And Reliability
authorMIT Technology Review

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Brain Implants Could Be the Next Computer Mouse
From ACM News

Brain Implants Could Be the Next Computer Mouse

What the world's fastest brain-typist is telling us about the future of computer interfaces.

How AI Could Solve Supply Chain Shortages and Save Christmas
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How AI Could Solve Supply Chain Shortages and Save Christmas

Just-in-time shipping is dead. Long live supply chains stress-tested with AI digital twins.

AI Has Cracked a Key Mathematical Puzzle for Understanding Our World
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AI Has Cracked a Key Mathematical Puzzle for Understanding Our World

Partial differential equations can describe everything from planetary motion to plate tectonics, but they're notoriously hard to solve.

Using ML to Build Maps That Give Smarter Driving Advice
From ACM TechNews

Using ML to Build Maps That Give Smarter Driving Advice

Scientists used machine learning to develop an automatic mapping service that can enhance traffic management with greater intelligence.

We Investigated Whether Digital Contact Tracing Actually Worked in the U.S.
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We Investigated Whether Digital Contact Tracing Actually Worked in the U.S.

A year ago, engineers built apps to track potential virus exposure. Our research shows the impact has been mixed—but there's still potential.

How Facebook Got Addicted to Spreading Misinformation
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How Facebook Got Addicted to Spreading Misinformation

The company's AI algorithms gave it an insatiable habit for lies and hate speech. Now the man who built them can't fix the problem.

Tiny Four-Bit Computers Are Now All You Need to Train AI
From ACM TechNews

Tiny Four-Bit Computers Are Now All You Need to Train AI

IBM researchers have proposed reducing the number of computer bits from the current industry standard of 16 to just four.

AI Needs to Face Up to its Invisible-worker Problem
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AI Needs to Face Up to its Invisible-worker Problem

Machine-learning models are trained by low-paid online gig workers. They're not going away—but we can change the way they work, says Saiph Savage.

A Radical Technique Lets AI Learn with Practically No Data
From ACM TechNews

A Radical Technique Lets AI Learn with Practically No Data

Scientists at Canada's University of Waterloo suggest artificial intelligence models should be capable of “less than one”-shot learning.

Machines can Spot Mental Health Issues—If you Hand Over your Personal Data
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Machines can Spot Mental Health Issues—If you Hand Over your Personal Data

Digital diagnosis could transform psychiatry by mining your most intimate data for clues. But is the privacy cost worth it?

Why the Coronavirus Lockdown is Making the Internet Stronger Than Ever
From ACM News

Why the Coronavirus Lockdown is Making the Internet Stronger Than Ever

Far from breaking it, the surge in usage the internet is seeing right now is driving a major upgrade.

This Robot Taught Itself to Walk Entirely on Its Own
From ACM TechNews

This Robot Taught Itself to Walk Entirely on Its Own

Researchers at Google have developed a four-legged robot that learned to walk completely on its own in just a few hours. 

IBM's Debating AI Just Got a Lot Closer to Being a Useful Tool
From ACM TechNews

IBM's Debating AI Just Got a Lot Closer to Being a Useful Tool

IBM upgraded the neural networks of its Project Debater system to improve the quality of evidence the argument-mining system uncovers.

Why the Quantum Internet Should Be Built in Space
From ACM TechNews

Why the Quantum Internet Should Be Built in Space

Louisiana State University researchers have proposed a satellite array for building a global quantum Internet to broadcast entangled photon pairs to two different...

A Virtual Version of da Vinci's Mystery Glass Orb Has Helped Explain Its Weirdness
From ACM TechNews

A Virtual Version of da Vinci's Mystery Glass Orb Has Helped Explain Its Weirdness

Researchers used computer graphics software to reproduce Leonardo da Vinci's painting Salvator Mundi in order to study how light refracts through glass orbs.

Baidu Has Trick for Teaching AI the Meaning of Language
From ACM TechNews

Baidu Has Trick for Teaching AI the Meaning of Language

Chinese technology company Baidu outperformed Microsoft and Google in the General Language Understanding Evaluation, a benchmark for artificial intelligence comprehension...

The Emerging Science of Computational Psychiatry
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The Emerging Science of Computational Psychiatry

Machine learning, data mining, and artificial intelligence are revolutionizing the study and understanding of mental illness.

Inspecting Algorithms For Bias
From ACM News

Inspecting Algorithms For Bias

Courts, banks, and other institutions are using automated data analysis systems to make decisions about your life. Let's not leave it up to the algorithm makers...

Increasingly, Robots of All Sizes Are Human Workmates
From ACM News

Increasingly, Robots of All Sizes Are Human Workmates

Most industrial robots are far less friendly than the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner, which is safe enough to be a surprisingly popular means of feline transportation...

Jupiter's Radio Emissions Could Reveal the Oceans on Its Icy Moons, Say Planetary Geologists
From ACM News

Jupiter's Radio Emissions Could Reveal the Oceans on Its Icy Moons, Say Planetary Geologists

Among the most exciting destinations in the Solar System are Jupiter's icy moons Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
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