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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectCommunications / Networking
authorMIT Technology Review

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

10 Breakthrough Technologies 2014
From ACM News

10 Breakthrough Technologies 2014

Technology news is full of incremental developments, but few of them are true milestones.

Jupiter's Radio Emissions Could Reveal the Oceans on Its Icy Moons, Say Planetary Geologists
From ACM News

Jupiter's Radio Emissions Could Reveal the Oceans on Its Icy Moons, Say Planetary Geologists

Among the most exciting destinations in the Solar System are Jupiter's icy moons Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.

World Cup Mind-Control Demo Faces Deadlines, Critics
From ACM News

World Cup Mind-Control Demo Faces Deadlines, Critics

In less than 60 days, Brazil will begin hosting soccer's 2014 World Cup, even though workers are still hurrying to pour concrete at three unfinished stadiums.

Internet Archaeologists Reconstruct Lost Web Pages
From ACM TechNews

Internet Archaeologists Reconstruct Lost Web Pages

Researchers recently embarked on an effort to reconstruct deleted social media posts and resources, in part from the clues they leave behind on the web.

At&t Researchers Set a Long-Haul Data Record
From ACM News

At&t Researchers Set a Long-Haul Data Record

Researchers at AT&T have devised a way to increase the distance that large amounts of data can travel through a fiber-optic connection. The technique should allow...

Can You Trust Crowd Wisdom?
From ACM TechNews

Can You Trust Crowd Wisdom?

A researcher who studied the voting patterns on, the Internet Movie Database (IMDb), and the book review site BookCrossings says a small group of users...
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