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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Formalizing Fairness
From Communications of the ACM

Formalizing Fairness

Algorithmic fairness aims to remedy issues stemming from algorithmic bias.

Solving for Why
From Communications of the ACM

Solving for Why

A focus on causality is promising to help researchers overcome shortcomings that have bedeviled more traditional approaches to artificial intelligence.

A Model Restoration
From Communications of the ACM

A Model Restoration

The architect of the Sagrada Familia appears to have done parametric modeling in his head; software is helping to complete the structure a century later.

Taking the Heat
From Communications of the ACM

Taking the Heat

Maxwell's demon and the high cost of erasure.

Artificial (Emotional) Intelligence
From Communications of the ACM

Artificial (Emotional) Intelligence

Enabled by advances in computing power and neural networks, machines are getting better at recognizing and dealing with human emotions.

The New Jobs
From Communications of the ACM

The New Jobs

As automation takes on more and more tasks, what will human workers do?

Bringing Holography to Light
From Communications of the ACM

Bringing Holography to Light

While 3D technologies that make headlines are not truly holographic, holographic techniques are furthering advances in important applications such as biomedical...

Reinforcement Renaissance
From Communications of the ACM

Reinforcement Renaissance

The power of deep neural networks has sparked renewed interest in reinforcement learning, with applications to games, robotics, and beyond.

Accelerating Search
From Communications of the ACM

Accelerating Search

The latest in machine learning helps high-energy physicists handle the enormous amounts of data produced by the Large Hadron Collider.

Tweets and Machine Learning Reveal Surprising Patterns of Happiness
From ACM News

Tweets and Machine Learning Reveal Surprising Patterns of Happiness

Determining life satisfaction by geography, based on tweets.

Plan B For Navigation
From ACM News

Plan B For Navigation

Scientists and engineers are exploring alternative navigation systems against the possibility of GPS failing.

A New Era For Signatures
From ACM News

A New Era For Signatures

The market for e-signature software and services is poised for dramatic growth.

Just the Facts
From Communications of the ACM

Just the Facts

In repackaging other companies' news, some news aggregators are diverting readers and ad dollars, and, critics argue, undercutting the incentive to spend money...

Garbage In, Info Out
From Communications of the ACM

Garbage In, Info Out

Security researchers used malware to investigate large-scale Internet censorship in Egypt and Libya.

Patently Inadequate
From Communications of the ACM

Patently Inadequate

The biggest change to U.S. patent law in nearly 60 years brings many changes, but fails to solve the software industry's most vexing problems.

Success at 16
From Communications of the ACM

Success at 16

A high school student wins first prize from ACM for developing a faster keyboard layout.

All the News That's Fit For You
From Communications of the ACM

All the News That's Fit For You

Personalized news promises to make daily journalism profitable again, but technical and cultural obstacles have slowed the industry's adoption of automated personalization...

Deus Ex Machina
From Communications of the ACM

Deus Ex Machina

Computational metaphysics is helping philosophers answer age-old questions, such as whether God exists.

With Google's Gift, ­. of Oregon Expands International Cyberinfrastructure
From ACM News

With Google's Gift, ­. of Oregon Expands International Cyberinfrastructure

A University of Oregon nonprofit that has provided networking technology and training to some of the world’s poorest nations has received a $1.25 million check...

India's Elephantine Effort
From Communications of the ACM

India's Elephantine Effort

An ambitious biometric ID project in the world's second most populous nation aims to relieve poverty, but faces many hurdles.
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