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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Nasa Instrument on Rosetta Makes Comet Atmosphere Discovery
From ACM News

Nasa Instrument on Rosetta Makes Comet Atmosphere Discovery

Data collected by NASA's Alice instrument aboard the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft reveal that electrons close to the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov...

Cassini Prepares For Last ­p-Close Look at Hyperion
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Cassini Prepares For Last ­p-Close Look at Hyperion

NASA's Cassini spacecraft will make its final close approach to Saturn's large, irregularly shaped moon Hyperion on Sunday, May 31.

Nasa Begins Testing Mars Lander For Next Mission to Red Planet
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Nasa Begins Testing Mars Lander For Next Mission to Red Planet

Testing is underway on NASA's next mission on the journey to Mars, a stationary lander scheduled to launch in March 2016.

Europa Mission to Probe Magnetic Field and Chemistry
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Europa Mission to Probe Magnetic Field and Chemistry

Two powerful science investigations will help unravel the mystery of whether Jupiter's icy moon Europa might have the right conditions for life, when a new NASA...

Mars Rover's Laser-Zapping Instrument Gets Sharper Vision
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Mars Rover's Laser-Zapping Instrument Gets Sharper Vision

Tests on Mars have confirmed success of a repair to the autonomous focusing capability of the Chemistry and Camera (ChemCam) instrument on NASA's Curiosity Mars...

NASA's WISE Spacecraft Discovers Most Luminous Galaxy in ­niverse
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NASA's WISE Spacecraft Discovers Most Luminous Galaxy in ­niverse

A remote galaxy shining with the light of more than 300 trillion suns has been discovered using data from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE).

Nasa Soil Moisture Mission Begins Science Operations
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Nasa Soil Moisture Mission Begins Science Operations

NASA's new Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to map global soil moisture and detect whether soils are frozen or thawed has begun science operations.

Astronomers Take a New Kind of Pulse From the Sky
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Astronomers Take a New Kind of Pulse From the Sky

Every night, our sky beats with the pulses of radio light waves, most of which go unseen.

OPALS Boosts Space-to-Ground Optical Communications Research
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OPALS Boosts Space-to-Ground Optical Communications Research

Ever wonder why stars seem to twinkle?

Nasa Research Reveals Europa's Mystery Dark Material Could Be Sea Salt
From ACM News

Nasa Research Reveals Europa's Mystery Dark Material Could Be Sea Salt

NASA laboratory experiments suggest the dark material coating some geological features of Jupiter's moon Europa is likely sea salt from a subsurface ocean, discolored...

Nasa Selects Advanced Space Technology Concepts For Further Study
From ACM News

Nasa Selects Advanced Space Technology Concepts For Further Study

NASA has selected 15 proposals for study under Phase I of the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC), a program that aims to turn science fiction into science...

Nasa's Nexss Coalition to Lead Search For Life on Distant Worlds
From ACM News

Nasa's Nexss Coalition to Lead Search For Life on Distant Worlds

NASA is bringing together experts spanning a variety of scientific fields for an unprecedented initiative dedicated to the search for life on planets outside our...

Glitter Cloud May Serve as Space Mirror
From ACM News

Glitter Cloud May Serve as Space Mirror

What does glitter have to do with finding stars and planets outside our solar system?

Nasa's New Horizons Nears Historic Encounter with Pluto
From ACM News

Nasa's New Horizons Nears Historic Encounter with Pluto

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is three months from returning to humanity the first-ever close up images and scientific observations of distant Pluto and its system...

Nasa Mars Rover's Weather Data Bolster Case For Brine
From ACM News

Nasa Mars Rover's Weather Data Bolster Case For Brine

Martian weather and soil conditions that NASA's Curiosity rover has measured, together with a type of salt found in Martian soil, could put liquid brine in the...

Researchers Test Smartphones For Earthquake Warning
From ACM News

Researchers Test Smartphones For Earthquake Warning

Smartphones and other personal electronic devices could, in regions where they are in widespread use, function as early warning systems for large earthquakes, according...

The Solar System and Beyond Is Awash in Water
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The Solar System and Beyond Is Awash in Water

As NASA missions explore our solar system and search for new worlds, they are finding water in surprising places.

Dawn in Excellent Shape One Month After Ceres Arrival
From ACM News

Dawn in Excellent Shape One Month After Ceres Arrival

Since its capture by the gravity of dwarf planet Ceres on March 6, NASA's Dawn spacecraft has performed flawlessly, continuing to thrust with its ion engine as...

Nasa Releases Tool Enabling Citizen Scientists to Examine Asteroid Vesta
From ACM News

Nasa Releases Tool Enabling Citizen Scientists to Examine Asteroid Vesta

NASA has announced the release of Vesta Trek, a free, web-based application that provides detailed visualizations of Vesta, one of the largest asteroids in our...

A Gold Mine of Galaxy Nuggets
From ACM News

A Gold Mine of Galaxy Nuggets

One telescope finds the treasure chest, and the other narrows in on the gold coins.
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