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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Closest Northern Views of Saturn's Moon Enceladus
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Closest Northern Views of Saturn's Moon Enceladus

NASA's Cassini spacecraft has begun returning its best-ever views of the northern extremes of Saturn's icy, ocean-bearing moon Enceladus.

Cassini Begins Series of Flybys with Close-up of Saturn Moon Enceladus
From ACM News

Cassini Begins Series of Flybys with Close-up of Saturn Moon Enceladus

NASA's Cassini spacecraft will wrap up its time in the region of Saturn's large, icy moons with a series of three close encounters with Enceladus starting Wednesday...

Nasa's Curiosity Rover Team Confirms Ancient Lakes on Mars
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Nasa's Curiosity Rover Team Confirms Ancient Lakes on Mars

A new study from the team behind NASA's Mars Science Laboratory/Curiosity has confirmed that Mars was once, billions of years ago, capable of storing water in lakes...

New Horizons Finds Blue Skies and Water Ice on Pluto
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New Horizons Finds Blue Skies and Water Ice on Pluto

The first color images of Pluto's atmospheric hazes, returned by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft last week, reveal that the hazes are blue.

Jpl's Role in Making 'the Martian' a Reality
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Jpl's Role in Making 'the Martian' a Reality

When fictional astronaut Mark Watney becomes stranded alone on the Red Planet in the novel and film "The Martian," people and technology from NASA's Jet Propulsion...

Pluto's Big Moon Charon Reveals a Colorful and Violent History
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Pluto's Big Moon Charon Reveals a Colorful and Violent History

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has returned the best color and the highest resolution images yet of Pluto's largest moon, Charon—and these pictures show a surprisingly...

Nasa Selects Investigations For Future Key Planetary Mission
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Nasa Selects Investigations For Future Key Planetary Mission

NASA has selected five science investigations for refinement during the next year as a first step in choosing one or two missions for flight opportunities as early...

Nasa Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today's Mars
From ACM News

Nasa Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today's Mars

New findings from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) provide the strongest evidence yet that liquid water flows intermittently on present-day Mars.

Funky Light Signal From Colliding Black Holes Explained
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Funky Light Signal From Colliding Black Holes Explained

Entangled by gravity and destined to merge, two candidate black holes in a distant galaxy appear to be locked in an intricate dance.

Cassini Finds Global Ocean in Saturn's Moon Enceladus
From ACM News

Cassini Finds Global Ocean in Saturn's Moon Enceladus

A global ocean lies beneath the icy crust of Saturn's geologically active moon Enceladus, according to new research using data from NASA's Cassini mission.

Nasa's Lro Discovers Earth's Pull Is 'massaging' Our Moon
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Nasa's Lro Discovers Earth's Pull Is 'massaging' Our Moon

In August, 2010, researchers using images from LRO's Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) reported the discovery of 14 cliffs known as "lobate scarps" on the moon's surface...

Mars Panorama from Curiosity Shows Petrified Sand Dunes
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Mars Panorama from Curiosity Shows Petrified Sand Dunes

Some of the dark sandstone in an area being explored by NASA's Curiosity Mars rover shows texture and inclined bedding structures characteristic of deposits that...

New Pluto Images from Nasa's New Horizons: It's Complicated
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New Pluto Images from Nasa's New Horizons: It's Complicated

New close-up images of Pluto from NASA's New Horizons spacecraft reveal a bewildering variety of surface features that have scientists reeling because of their...

What Happened to Early Mars' Atmosphere? New Study Eliminates One Theory
From ACM News

What Happened to Early Mars' Atmosphere? New Study Eliminates One Theory

Scientists may be closer to solving the mystery of how Mars changed from a world with surface water billions of years ago to the arid Red Planet of today.

Comet Hitchhiker Would Take Tour of Small Bodies
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Comet Hitchhiker Would Take Tour of Small Bodies

Catching a ride from one solar system body to another isn't easy. You have to figure out how to land your spacecraft safely and then get it on its way to the next...

Nasa's New Horizons Team Selects Potential Kuiper Belt Flyby Target
From ACM News

Nasa's New Horizons Team Selects Potential Kuiper Belt Flyby Target

This remote KBO was one of two identified as potential destinations and the one recommended to NASA by the New Horizons team. Although NASA has selected 2014 MU69...

Nine Real Nasa Technologies in 'the Martian'
From ACM News

Nine Real Nasa Technologies in 'the Martian'

Mars has held a central place in human imagination and culture for millennia.

The Fingerprints of Sea Level Rise
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The Fingerprints of Sea Level Rise

When you fill a sink, the water rises at the same rate to the same height in every corner. That's not the way it works with our rising seas.

Warming Seas and Melting Ice Sheets
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Warming Seas and Melting Ice Sheets

Sea level rise is a natural consequence of the warming of our planet.

Dawn Sends Sharper Scenes from Ceres
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Dawn Sends Sharper Scenes from Ceres

The closest-yet views of Ceres, delivered by NASA's Dawn spacecraft, show the small world's features in unprecedented detail, including Ceres' tall, conical mountain...
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