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subjectHuman Computer Interaction

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Nasa's Car-Size Rover Nears Daring Landing on Mars
From ACM News

Nasa's Car-Size Rover Nears Daring Landing on Mars

NASA's most advanced planetary rover is on a precise course for an early August landing beside a Martian mountain to begin two years of unprecedented scientific...

Nasa Mars Rover Team Aims For Landing Closer to Prime Science Site
From ACM News

Nasa Mars Rover Team Aims For Landing Closer to Prime Science Site

NASA has narrowed the target for its most advanced Mars rover, Curiosity, which will land on the Red Planet in August. The car-sized rover will arrive closer to...

Dawn Mission Video Shows Vesta's Coat of Many Colors
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Dawn Mission Video Shows Vesta's Coat of Many Colors

A new video from NASA's Dawn mission reveals the dappled, variegated surface of the giant asteroid Vesta. The animation drapes high-resolution false color images...

Dark Shadows on Mars: Scene from Durable Nasa Rover
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Dark Shadows on Mars: Scene from Durable Nasa Rover

Like a tourist waiting for just the right lighting to snap a favorite shot during a stay at the Grand Canyon, NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has used...

Nasa Views Our Perpetually Moving Ocean
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Nasa Views Our Perpetually Moving Ocean

The swirling flows of Earth's perpetually changing ocean come to life in a new NASA scientific visualization that captures the movement of tens of thousands of...

'mount Sharp' on Mars Links Geology's Past and Future
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'mount Sharp' on Mars Links Geology's Past and Future

One particular mountain on Mars, bigger than Colorado's grandest, has been beckoning would-be explorers since it was first sighted from orbit in the 1970s.

NASA Map Sees Earth's Trees in a New Light
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NASA Map Sees Earth's Trees in a New Light

A NASA-led science team has created an accurate, high-resolution map of the height of Earth's forests.

Spacecraft Computer Issue Resolved
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Spacecraft Computer Issue Resolved

Engineers have found the root cause of a computer reset that occurred two months ago on NASA's Mars Science Laboratory and have determined how to correct it.  

From ACM News

Durable Nasa Rover Beginning Ninth Year of Mars Work

Eight years after landing on Mars for what was planned as a three-month mission, NASA's enduring Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity is working on what essentially...

Trajectory Maneuver Slated for Jan. 11
From ACM News

Trajectory Maneuver Slated for Jan. 11

An engine firing on Jan. 11 will be the biggest maneuver that NASA's Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft will perform on its flight between Earth and Mars.

'Greeley Haven' is Winter Workplace for Mars Rover
From ACM News

'Greeley Haven' is Winter Workplace for Mars Rover

NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity will spend the next several months at a site informally named "Greeley Haven."

From ACM News

Powerful Pixels: Mapping the "apollo Zone"

Grayscale pixels—up close, they look like black, white or grey squares. But when you zoom out to see the bigger picture, they can create a digital photograph.

NASA Presents Software of the Year Award
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NASA Presents Software of the Year Award

Autonomous Exploration for Gathering Increased Science (AEGIS), novel autonomy software that has been operating on the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity since...

Nasa Captures New Images of Large Asteroid Passing Earth
From ACM News

Nasa Captures New Images of Large Asteroid Passing Earth

NASA's Deep Space Network antenna in Goldstone, Calif. has captured new radar images of Asteroid 2005 YU55 passing close to Earth.

Robonaut Wakes Up In Space
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Robonaut Wakes Up In Space

After months of patiently snoring away in its storage bag, Robonaut 2—the first dexterous humanoid robot in space—finally got its wakeup call on Monday.

NASA Mars Rover Arrives at New Site on Martian Surface
From ACM News

NASA Mars Rover Arrives at New Site on Martian Surface

After a journey of almost three years, NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has reached the Red Planet’s Endeavour crater to study rocks never seen before...

Nasa's Next Mars Rover to Land at Gale Crater
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Nasa's Next Mars Rover to Land at Gale Crater

NASA's next Mars rover will land at the foot of a layered mountain inside the planet's Gale crater. The car-sized Mars Science Laboratory, or Curiosity, is scheduled...

Nasa Dawn Spacecraft Returns Close-Up Image of Asteroid Vesta
From ACM News

Nasa Dawn Spacecraft Returns Close-Up Image of Asteroid Vesta

NASA's Dawn spacecraft has returned the first close-up image after beginning its orbit around the giant asteroid Vesta. On Friday, July 15, Dawn became the first...

Nasa Spacecraft to Enter Large Asteroid's Orbit on July 15
From ACM News

Nasa Spacecraft to Enter Large Asteroid's Orbit on July 15

On July 15, NASA's Dawn spacecraft will begin a prolonged encounter with the asteroid Vesta, making the mission the first to enter orbit around a main-belt asteroid...

Scientists Hope to Get Glimpse of Adolescent Universe from Revolutionary Instrument-on-a-Chip
From ACM News

Scientists Hope to Get Glimpse of Adolescent Universe from Revolutionary Instrument-on-a-Chip

Scientists know what the universe looked like when it was a baby. They know what it looks like today. What they don't know is how it looked in its youth.
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