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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Will the Nsa Rethink Its Data Collection System?
From ACM Opinion

Will the Nsa Rethink Its Data Collection System?

Weekend Edition Sunday Host Rachel Martin talks to Joel Brenner, former senior counsel at the National Security Agency, about whether the NSA can protect Americans'...

A Day in the Life of the Relentlessly Tracked
From ACM News

A Day in the Life of the Relentlessly Tracked

Controversy is raging over a court order allowing the FBI and the National Security Agency to seize aggregate information of millions of Verizon customer phone...

Mit's Magic Bag Of Sand
From ACM Opinion

Mit's Magic Bag Of Sand

The camera pushes in. And there, near the meridian line, you see a faint scattering of red lights. Something is in the tar. And it's glowing.

Quantum Or Not, New Supercomputer Is Certainly Something Else
From ACM News

Quantum Or Not, New Supercomputer Is Certainly Something Else

It's exactly the sort of futuristic thinking you'd expect from Google and NASA: Late last week, the organizations announced a partnership to build a Quantum Artificial...

If Your Shrink Is a Bot, How Do You Respond?
From ACM News

If Your Shrink Is a Bot, How Do You Respond?

Her hair is brown and tied back into a professional-looking ponytail.

Litterbugs Beware: Turning Found Dna Into Portraits
From ACM News

Litterbugs Beware: Turning Found Dna Into Portraits

Heather Dewey-Hagborg was sitting in a therapy session a while ago and noticed a painting on the wall. The glass on the frame was cracked, and lodged in the crack...

Yes, Your New Car Has A 'black Box.' Where's The Off Switch?
From ACM News

Yes, Your New Car Has A 'black Box.' Where's The Off Switch?

If you're a vehicle owner and happen to have a car accident in the near future (we hope you don't), it's likely the crash details will be recorded.

In Video-Streaming Rat Race, Fast Is Never Fast Enough
From ACM News

In Video-Streaming Rat Race, Fast Is Never Fast Enough

On average, YouTube streams 4 billion hours of video per month.

Forget Yolo: Why 'big Data' Should Be the Word of the Year
From ACM Opinion

Forget Yolo: Why 'big Data' Should Be the Word of the Year

"Big Data" hasn't made any of the words-of-the-year lists I've seen so far. That's probably because it didn't get the wide public exposure given to items like "...

Why Is This Supercomputer So Superfast?
From ACM News

Why Is This Supercomputer So Superfast?

The world's fastest supercomputers have come back to the U.S. In June, the title was claimed by a machine named Sequoia at Lawrence Livermore Labs. Monday, at the...

Google's Street View Goes Into the Wild
From ACM News

Google's Street View Goes Into the Wild

Google's Street View maps are headed into the backcountry. Earlier this week, two teams from Google strapped on sophisticated backpacks jammed with cameras, gyroscopes...

Big Data and Its Big Problems
From ACM News

Big Data and Its Big Problems

Imagine every thousandth blood cell in your body has a tiny radio transmitter in it.

Software, Not Just Bullets, Puts Military At Odds
From ACM News

Software, Not Just Bullets, Puts Military At Odds

Military commanders, government officials and members of Congress have long wrangled over which weapon systems are needed. Now, there's an argument over what computer...

When Does An App Need Fda's Blessing?
From ACM News

When Does An App Need Fda's Blessing?

Bernard Farrell obsesses over every bite he eats, every minute of exercise he gets, and everything that stresses him out. And, more than anything else, Farrell...
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