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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputers And Society
authorNational Science Foundation

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Winners of 10th Annual International Science & Technology Visualization Challenge Announced
From ACM News

Winners of 10th Annual International Science & Technology Visualization Challenge Announced

The National Science Foundation, along with the journal Science, today announces the 53 winners and honorable mentions of the International Science & Technology...

Nsf Joins in Commemorating Computer Science Education Week 2012
From ACM TechNews

Nsf Joins in Commemorating Computer Science Education Week 2012

The U.S. National Science Foundation is joining the effort to promote Computer Science Education Week, which highlights the need to support computer science at...

­niversities Report Highest-Ever R&d Spending of $65 Billion in Fy 2011
From ACM TechNews

­niversities Report Highest-Ever R&d Spending of $65 Billion in Fy 2011

U.S. university spending on R&D in all fields rose 6.3 percent in fiscal year 2011, according to a U.S. National Science Foundation Survey. Much of the spending...

Digitizing the Past to Protect and Preserve History
From ACM TechNews

Digitizing the Past to Protect and Preserve History

Archeologists now take thousands of digital photos, make notes in a database on a laptop or a tablet, and record careful, geographically referenced information...

Assembling, Visualizing and Analyzing a Tree of All Life
From ACM TechNews

Assembling, Visualizing and Analyzing a Tree of All Life

The U.S. National Science Foundation's Assembling, Visualizing, and Analyzing the Tree of Life program aims to build a comprehensive tree of life that brings together...

It's All About the Team For Research in Ubiquitous Secure Technology
From ACM TechNews

It's All About the Team For Research in Ubiquitous Secure Technology

The Team for Research in Ubiquitous Secure Technology (TRUST) is a university and industry consortium that studies cybersecurity issues related to health care,...

Supercomputer Simulations to Help Predict Tornadoes
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputer Simulations to Help Predict Tornadoes

University of Oklahoma researchers are using supercomputers to assemble and analyze massive amounts of data on tornadoes, such as updraft, downdraft, and regions...

Share of Black S&e Degrees From Hbcus Declines in 2008
From ACM TechNews

Share of Black S&e Degrees From Hbcus Declines in 2008

Recent U.S. National Science Foundation studies have shown that the percentage of minorities earning bachelor's degrees in science and engineering from historically...

Live Online Briefing: Inspiring the Next Bill Gates
From ACM TechNews

Live Online Briefing: Inspiring the Next Bill Gates

The National Science Foundation will host a Webcast on Dec. 7 featuring Georgia Tech's Amy Bruckman, MIT's Leah Buechley, and ACM's Cameron Wilson, as part of the...

President Obama Awards Annual National Medals of Science
From ACM News

President Obama Awards Annual National Medals of Science

President Obama presented 10 researchers with United States' highest technical and scientific award, and said that celebrating their contributions was "one of...

Signing Made Easy
From ACM News

Signing Made Easy

From video games to cell phone apps, making sign language easier to learn Put on the gloves. Turn on the camera and... action!

Bringing Engineering to K-12 Classrooms
From ACM News

Bringing Engineering to K-12 Classrooms

With support from the U.S. National Science Foundation, engineers from Tufts University are bringing engineering to young students through STOMP, the Student...

Nsf Announces Future Internet Architecture Awards
From ACM News

Nsf Announces Future Internet Architecture Awards

Four basic research projects funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation will explore different aspects of network architecture to foster new ideas and innovations...

U.s. Funds Improve Broadband Connectivity to Foster Scientific Collaboration
From ACM News

U.s. Funds Improve Broadband Connectivity to Foster Scientific Collaboration

The U.S. National Science Foundation has awarded $20 million to universities in 17 states to improve inter- and intra-campus cyber connectivity.

NSF Announces New Expeditions in Computing Awards
From ACM News

NSF Announces New Expeditions in Computing Awards

Three new $10 million awards continue the NSF's Expeditions program pursuing ambitious, fundamental research agendas that promise to define the future of computing...

Citizen Scientists Discover Rotating Pulsar
From ACM News

Citizen Scientists Discover Rotating Pulsar

The discovery by three citizen scientists of a new radio pulsar as part of the Einstein@Home project marks the first genuine astronomical discovery by a public...

From ACM TechNews

­.s. R&d Companies Employed 27 Million Workers Worldwide in 2008

U.S. research & development companies employed 27.1 million workers worldwide in 2008, including 18.5 million domestically, according to a new report from the U...

From ACM News

Jump in Enrollments of First-Time, Full-Time S&e Graduate Students

Enrollments of first-time, full-time graduate students in science and engineering programs in the United States reached a record 108,819 in 2008, an increase...

Computers Could Make Better Drugs
From ACM News

Computers Could Make Better Drugs

Using the NSF-funded Ranger supercomputer at the Texas Advanced Computing Center, University of Texas at Austin professor Pengyu Ren is working to develop faster...

From ACM TechNews

Nsf Will Require Scientists Seeking Funding to Submit Data Management Plans

Beginning in October 2010, the National Science Foundation plans to require that all proposals for funding include a data management plan. The changes are designed...
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