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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputers And Society
authorNational Science Foundation

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Advancing AI Research Infrastructure Through NSF Investments
From ACM News

Advancing AI Research Infrastructure Through NSF Investments

The awards will focus on specific aspects of artificial intelligence research infrastructure and instrumentation.

Computers That Power Self-Driving Cars Could Drive Global Carbon Emissions
From ACM TechNews

Computers That Power Self-Driving Cars Could Drive Global Carbon Emissions

Researchers found the computational needs of self-driving cars could drive a significant increase in global carbon emissions.

Protecting Users' Private Data While They Browse
From ACM TechNews

Protecting Users' Private Data While They Browse

The SugarCoat tool can protect users' private data while they browse the Web.

New Research Accurately Predicts Australian Wheat Harvests Months in Advance
From ACM TechNews

New Research Accurately Predicts Australian Wheat Harvests Months in Advance

A U.S. National Science Foundation-funded project found machine learning techniques could anticipate Australian wheat yields two months before the end of the growing...

NSF, NASA Announce Commitments to Support White House Strategic Plan on STEM Education
From ACM News

NSF, NASA Announce Commitments to Support White House Strategic Plan on STEM Education

The National Science Foundation is expanding its diversity program to other federal agencies, and creating new graduate internship opportunities.

Drones Survey African Wildlife
From ACM TechNews

Drones Survey African Wildlife

Scientists are using drone flights and automated image analysis to develop a new approach to counting animals in the wild.

NCSES Publishes Latest Women, Minorities, and Persons With Disabilities in Science and Engineering Report
From ACM TechNews

NCSES Publishes Latest Women, Minorities, and Persons With Disabilities in Science and Engineering Report

The U.S. National Science Foundation's National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics has published a report quantifying the underrepresentation of women...

In the Twinkling of an Eye
From ACM TechNews

In the Twinkling of an Eye

The process of automatically tracking the direction of a person's gaze is making significant progress.

Flood Forecasting Gets Major ­pgrade
From ACM TechNews

Flood Forecasting Gets Major ­pgrade

Researchers have created the National Water Model, which provides forecasts, data, and decision support to emergency services and water management personnel.

­sing Data to Better ­nderstand Climate Change
From ACM TechNews

­sing Data to Better ­nderstand Climate Change

A University of Minnesota-led research team is using data-driven approaches to better understand the environmental and social impacts of climate change.

Creating Printable, Programmable Machines
From ACM TechNews

Creating Printable, Programmable Machines

Daniela Rus  of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is pioneering the science of printable, foldable, and do-it-yourself robotics.

Service Robots Are Coming to Help US
From ACM TechNews

Service Robots Are Coming to Help US

A U.S. National Science Foundation program aims to advance and integrate robotics into people-centered service systems in homes, hospitals, and elder-care facilities...

Robots to Provide a Steadying Hand at the Right Time
From ACM TechNews

Robots to Provide a Steadying Hand at the Right Time

The U.S. National Science Foundation is funding several robotics-related projects across the U.S. designed to improve people's safety and well-being. 

Bringing Programming--and Social Change--to Girls
From ACM TechNews

Bringing Programming--and Social Change--to Girls

A group of eighth-grade girls participating in the U.S. National Science Foundation's Co-Robots for CompuGirls event programmed a pair of humanoid robots.

Envisioning Supercomputers of the Future
From ACM TechNews

Envisioning Supercomputers of the Future

The Argo Project funded by the U.S. Department of Energy has enlisted 40 researchers to devise a new approach for extreme-scale system software. 

Conversing With Computers
From ACM TechNews

Conversing With Computers

University of Southern California researchers are developing high-speed language-processing systems that rival the speed and efficiency of human speakers. 

Roadmap to Safer Cyberspace
From ACM TechNews

Roadmap to Safer Cyberspace

Researchers have outlined a strategy for next-generation experimental cybersecurity research in a report commissioned by the U.S. National Science Foundation. 

10 Ways Advanced Computing Catalyzes Science
From ACM TechNews

10 Ways Advanced Computing Catalyzes Science

Numerous academic research projects around the U.S. and beyond rely on high-performance computing resources funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation. 

Crash Test Simulations Expose Real Risks
From ACM TechNews

Crash Test Simulations Expose Real Risks

Researchers are developing computer models of vehicle crashes to provide more sophisticated information on how to improve restraints and other safety systems. 

New Report on Energy-Efficient Computing
From ACM TechNews

New Report on Energy-Efficient Computing

Novel research could help overcome the barriers that are limiting progress in computing, according to a new report.
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