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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Planetariums, Not Just For Kids
From ACM News

Planetariums, Not Just For Kids

Most researchers think of planetariums, if they think of them at all, as a place to take schoolchildren for whizzy trips through the stars, with nothing to offer...

Controversial Impact Factor Gets a Heavyweight Rival
From ACM Careers

Controversial Impact Factor Gets a Heavyweight Rival

One of science's most contentious metrics has a flashy new rival. On 8 December, publishing giant Elsevier launched the CiteScore index to assess the quality of...

AI Science Search Engines Expand Their Reach
From ACM News

AI Science Search Engines Expand Their Reach

A free AI-based scholarly search engine that aims to outdo Google Scholar is expanding its corpus of papers to cover some 10 million research articles in computer...

Scientists Can Publish Their Best Work at Any Age
From ACM Careers

Scientists Can Publish Their Best Work at Any Age

Hoping that your next paper will be the big one?

Worldwide Brain-Mapping Project Sparks Excitement, and Concern
From ACM News

Worldwide Brain-Mapping Project Sparks Excitement, and Concern

Worries include how to coordinate research programs and resources from different countries.

Majority of Mathematicians Hail from Just 24 Scientific 'families'
From ACM Careers

Majority of Mathematicians Hail from Just 24 Scientific 'families'

Most of the world's mathematicians fall into just 24 scientific 'families', one of which dates back to the fifteenth century.

Let the Structural Symphony Begin
From ACM News

Let the Structural Symphony Begin

Like other structural biologists, Eva Nogales works in extraordinary times.

Legal Confusion Threatens to Slow Data Science
From ACM News

Legal Confusion Threatens to Slow Data Science

Knowledge from millions of biological studies encoded into one network—that is Daniel Himmelstein's alluring description of Hetionet, a free online resource that...

'kudos' Promises to Help Scientists Promote Their Papers to New Audiences
From ACM Careers

'kudos' Promises to Help Scientists Promote Their Papers to New Audiences

Few people have heard of Michele Tobias's research field—and even fewer study it.

Brain-Data Gold Mine Could Reveal How Neurons Compute
From ACM News

Brain-Data Gold Mine Could Reveal How Neurons Compute

Inspired by the large-scale sky surveys with which astronomers explore the cosmos, neuroscientists in Seattle, Washington, have spent four years systematically...

Obama's Top Scientist Talks Shrinking Budgets, Donald Trump, and His Biggest Regret
From ACM Opinion

Obama's Top Scientist Talks Shrinking Budgets, Donald Trump, and His Biggest Regret

John Holdren is no stranger to the spotlight. Over his long career in science, Holdren—a physicist by training—has worked on controversial issues such as climate...

Plan to Synthesize Human Genome Elicits Mixed Response
From ACM News

Plan to Synthesize Human Genome Elicits Mixed Response

Proposals for a large public-private initiative to synthesize an entire human genome from scratch—an effort that could take a decade and require billions of dollars...

Computer Gleans Chemical Insight from Lab Notebook Failures
From ACM News

Computer Gleans Chemical Insight from Lab Notebook Failures

Did your experiment fail? Don't bin the data just yet—they could be useful.

AI Talent Grab Sparks Excitement and Concern
From ACM Careers

AI Talent Grab Sparks Excitement and Concern

When Andrew Ng joined Google from Stanford University in 2011, he was among a trickle of artificial-intelligence (AI) experts in academia taking up roles in industry...

Europe Plans Giant Billion-Euro Quantum Technologies Project
From ACM News

Europe Plans Giant Billion-Euro Quantum Technologies Project

The European Commission has quietly announced plans to launch a €1-billion (US$1.13 billion) project to boost a raft of quantum technologies—from secure communication...

Crispr: Gene Editing Is Just the Beginning
From ACM News

Crispr: Gene Editing Is Just the Beginning

Whenever a paper about CRISPR–Cas9 hits the press, the staff at Addgene quickly find out.

Synthetic Biology Lures Silicon Valley Investors
From ACM Careers

Synthetic Biology Lures Silicon Valley Investors

In 2012, Emily Leproust was trying to raise money to start Twist Bioscience, a company that aimed to synthesize DNA more quickly and more cheaply than existing...

Artificial-Intelligence Institute Launches Free Science Search Engine
From ACM News

Artificial-Intelligence Institute Launches Free Science Search Engine

With Google Scholar, PubMed, and other free academic databases at their fingertips, scientists may feel they have plenty of resources to trawl through the ever-growing...

Biohackers Gear ­p For Genome Editing
From ACM News

Biohackers Gear ­p For Genome Editing

A complete lack of formal scientific training has not kept Johan Sosa from dabbling with one of the most powerful molecular-biology tools to come along in decades...

Crispr, the Disruptor
From ACM Careers

Crispr, the Disruptor

Three years ago, Bruce Conklin came across a method that made him change the course of his lab.
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