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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Mathematical Time Law Governs Crowd Flow
From ACM News

Mathematical Time Law Governs Crowd Flow

Walking in crowds means predicting the future.

Joint Effort Nabs Next Wave of ­S Supercomputers
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Joint Effort Nabs Next Wave of ­S Supercomputers

Once locked in an arms race with each other for the fastest supercomputers, US national laboratories are now banding together to buy their next-generation machines...

Google Scholar Pioneer on Search Engine’s Future
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Google Scholar Pioneer on Search Engine’s Future

As the search engine approaches its 10th birthday, Nature speaks to the co-creator of Google Scholar.

Half of Stars Lurk Outside Galaxies
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Half of Stars Lurk Outside Galaxies

Astronomers have spotted a faint cosmic glow, unseen until now, that may come from stars that float adrift between galaxies.

A Quantum World Arising from Many Ordinary Ones
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A Quantum World Arising from Many Ordinary Ones

The bizarre behaviour of the quantum world—with objects existing in two places simultaneously and light behaving as either waves or particles—could result from...

Oldest-Known Human Genome Sequenced
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Oldest-Known Human Genome Sequenced

A 45,000-year-old leg bone from Siberia has yielded the oldest genome sequence for Homo sapiens on record—revealing a mysterious population that may once have spanned...

Data Bank Struggles As Protein Imaging ­ps Its Game
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Data Bank Struggles As Protein Imaging ­ps Its Game

Structural biology, the mapping of complex biological molecules such as proteins, is in the grip of a revolution.

Gravity Map Uncovers Sea-Floor Surprises
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Gravity Map Uncovers Sea-Floor Surprises

s though someone had pulled a plug in the oceans and drained them away, a sea-floor map has exposed thousands of never-before-seen underwater mountains and ridges...

Artificial Arms Get Closer to the Real Thing
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Artificial Arms Get Closer to the Real Thing

Powered prosthetic hands and arms have advanced little in the last 50 years.

Large Hadron Collider: The Big Reboot
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Large Hadron Collider: The Big Reboot

Mike Lamont grabs the last croissant from a table and eats it as he walks through the control centre at CERN, the European laboratory for particle physics just...

Neuroscience: Brains of Norway
From ACM Careers

Neuroscience: Brains of Norway

The fact that Edvard and May-Britt Moser have collaborated for 30 years—and been married for 28—has done nothing to dull their passion for the brain.

Quantum Bits Get Their First Compression
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Quantum Bits Get Their First Compression

Without algorithms that compress data to encode information into fewer bits, hard drives would clog up and Internet traffic would slow to a snail's pace.

'smart Genes' Prove Elusive
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'smart Genes' Prove Elusive

Scientists looking for the genes underlying intelligence are in for a slog.

Plate Tectonics Found on Europa
From ACM Careers

Plate Tectonics Found on Europa

If you have got an idea for how to study Europa, then NASA wants to hear from you.

Entangled Photons Make a Picture from a Paradox
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Entangled Photons Make a Picture from a Paradox

Physicists have devised a way to take pictures using light that has not interacted with the object being photographed.

Neanderthals: Bone Technique Redrafts Prehistory
From ACM News

Neanderthals: Bone Technique Redrafts Prehistory

Neanderthals and humans lived together in Europe for thousands of years, concludes a timeline based on radiocarbon dates from 40 key sites across Europe.

Only 10 Midges Needed to Make a Swarm
From ACM News

Only 10 Midges Needed to Make a Swarm

To most people, a cloud of midges is an annoyance.

Organic Synthesis: The Robo-Chemist
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Organic Synthesis: The Robo-Chemist

In faded photographs from the 1960s, organic-chemistry laboratories look like an alchemist's paradise.

Fiendish Million-Dollar Proof Eludes Mathematicians
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Fiendish Million-Dollar Proof Eludes Mathematicians

Is a solution to one of the most important, beautiful and potentially lucrative problems in mathematics right around the corner?

Mars Slow to Yield Its Secrets
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Mars Slow to Yield Its Secrets

Thunderous applause greeted planetary carto­grapher Ken Tanaka of the US Geological Survey on 14 July as he unveiled a new geological map of Mars.
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