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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Trouble with Reference Rot
From ACM News

The Trouble with Reference Rot

The scholarly literature is meant to be a permanent record of science.

Mistrust and Meddling ­nsettles ­.s. Science Agency
From ACM Careers

Mistrust and Meddling ­nsettles ­.s. Science Agency

The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) has had a tough couple of years.

Robo-Rescuers Battle It Out in Disaster Challenge
From ACM News

Robo-Rescuers Battle It Out in Disaster Challenge

When the humanoid robot SAFFiR gets a shove, it reflexively moves to maintain its balance. SAFFiR can also walk over uneven terrain, turn its head to scan its surroundings...

Game-Playing Software Holds Lessons For Neuroscience
From ACM News

Game-Playing Software Holds Lessons For Neuroscience

DeepMind, the Google-owned artificial-intelligence company, has revealed how it created a single computer algorithm that can learn how to play 49 different arcade...

Programming: Pick ­p Python
From ACM Careers

Programming: Pick ­p Python

Last month, Adina Howe took up a post at Iowa State University in Ames. Officially, she is an assistant professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering.

Tropical Paradise Inspires Virtual Ecology Lab
From ACM News

Tropical Paradise Inspires Virtual Ecology Lab

A paradise on Earth could soon become the first ecosystem in the world to be replicated in digital form in pain­staking detail, from the genes of its plants and...

Neuroscience: Brains of Norway
From ACM Careers

Neuroscience: Brains of Norway

The fact that Edvard and May-Britt Moser have collaborated for 30 years—and been married for 28—has done nothing to dull their passion for the brain.

Computer Model Predicts Academic Success
From ACM Careers

Computer Model Predicts Academic Success

The mantra "publish or perish" is drilled into every early-career scientist—and for good reason, a computer model suggests.

Model ­niverse Recreates Evolution of the Cosmos
From ACM News

Model ­niverse Recreates Evolution of the Cosmos

Can current theories of cosmology explain how the Universe evolved?

Imaging: Cancer Caught in the Act
From ACM News

Imaging: Cancer Caught in the Act

Mikala Egeblad was blown away when she made her first action film of tumour cells inside live mice.

Oscar-Winning Visual Effects Mastermind Behind Gravity, Talks Physics Lessons, Nasa Imagery, and Defining the Art of Cg 'weightlessness' in Space
From ACM Opinion

Oscar-Winning Visual Effects Mastermind Behind Gravity, Talks Physics Lessons, Nasa Imagery, and Defining the Art of Cg 'weightlessness' in Space

Tim Webber is a visual effects supervisor who has worked on an array of critically acclaimed blockbusters.

Publishers Withdraw More Than 120 Gibberish Papers
From ACM News

Publishers Withdraw More Than 120 Gibberish Papers

The publishers Springer and IEEE are removing more than 120 papers from their subscription services after a French researcher discovered that the works were computer...

Scientists Reading Fewer Papers For First Time in 35 Years
From ACM News

Scientists Reading Fewer Papers For First Time in 35 Years

A 35-year trend of researchers reading ever more scholarly papers seems to have halted.

Researchers Split Over NSA Hacking
From ACM Careers

Researchers Split Over NSA Hacking

The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) has upset a great many people this year.

Formula Predicts Research Papers' Future Citations
From ACM News

Formula Predicts Research Papers' Future Citations

It sounds like a science administrator’s dream—or a scientist's worst nightmare: a formula that predicts how often research papers will be cited.

Gaming Improves Multitasking Skills
From ACM News

Gaming Improves Multitasking Skills

Sixty-five-year-old Ann Linsey was starting to worry about how easily she got distracted from whatever she was doing.
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