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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Hackers Teaching Old DNA Sequencers New Tricks
From ACM News

The Hackers Teaching Old DNA Sequencers New Tricks

In a basement storeroom at Stanford University in California, the guts of a dozen DNA sequencers lie exposed—hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cameras and...

The Ethics of Computer Science: This Researcher Has a Controversial Proposal
From ACM Opinion

The Ethics of Computer Science: This Researcher Has a Controversial Proposal

In the midst of growing public concern over artificial intelligence (AI), privacy and the use of data, Brent Hecht has a controversial proposal: the computer-science...

A Record-Breaking Microscope
From ACM News

A Record-Breaking Microscope

In a paper Nature, Jiang et al.1 report the highest-magnification image ever obtained using a transmission electron microscope.

3D Image Reveals Hidden Neurons in Fruit-Fly Brain
From ACM News

3D Image Reveals Hidden Neurons in Fruit-Fly Brain

Scientists have produced a 3D image of a fruit fly's brain that's so detailed, researchers can trace connections between neurons across the entire organ.

CRISPR Gene Editing Produces ­nwanted DNA Deletions
From ACM News

CRISPR Gene Editing Produces ­nwanted DNA Deletions

Researchers have embraced CRISPR gene-editing as a method for altering genomes, but some are cautioning that unwanted DNA changes may slip by undetected.

South Africa Celebrates Completion of Gigantic, Super-Sensitive Telescop
From ACM News

South Africa Celebrates Completion of Gigantic, Super-Sensitive Telescop

Scientists and politicians in South Africa are together celebrating the official opening of a gigantic telescope that is already transforming astronomy research...

Speaking in Code: How to Program by Voice
From ACM News

Speaking in Code: How to Program by Voice

Debilitating hand pain is always bad news, but Harold Pimentel's was especially unwelcome.

Daring Japanese Mission Reaches ­nexplored Asteroid Ryugu
From ACM News

Daring Japanese Mission Reaches ­nexplored Asteroid Ryugu

After travelling for three-and-a-half years, the Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa-2 this week makes its final approach to the asteroid Ryugu.

New Human Gene Tally Reignites Debate
From ACM News

New Human Gene Tally Reignites Debate

One of the earliest attempts to estimate the number of genes in the human genome involved tipsy geneticists, a bar in Cold Spring Harbor, New York, and pure guesswork...

Massive Martian Dust Storm Endangers NASA Rover
From ACM News

Massive Martian Dust Storm Endangers NASA Rover

An enormous dust storm is blanketing much of Mars, blocking the sunlight that NASA's 15-year-old Opportunity rover needs to survive.

AI Recreates Activity Patterns that Brain Cells ­se in Navigation
From ACM News

AI Recreates Activity Patterns that Brain Cells ­se in Navigation

Particle Physicists Turn to AI to Cope with CERN's Collision Deluge
From ACM News

Particle Physicists Turn to AI to Cope with CERN's Collision Deluge

Physicists at the world's leading atom smasher are calling for help. In the next decade, they plan to produce up to 20 times more particle collisions in the Large...

Water Filter Inspired by Alan Turing Passes First Test
From ACM News

Water Filter Inspired by Alan Turing Passes First Test

Researchers in China have developed a filter that removes salt from water up to three times as fast as conventional filters. The membrane has a unique nanostructure...

Virtual-Reality Applications Give Science a New Dimension
From ACM News

Virtual-Reality Applications Give Science a New Dimension

As I put on a virtual-reality (VR) headset, the outside world disappears.

Incredibly Detailed Embryo Maps Chart Each Cell's Developmental Fate
From ACM News

Incredibly Detailed Embryo Maps Chart Each Cell's Developmental Fate

Painstaking genomic analyses of thousands of individual cells in frogs and fish have yielded the most detailed roadmaps yet charting an embryo's journey from a...

Mars Quakes Set to Reveal Tantalizing Clues to Planet's Early Years
From ACM News

Mars Quakes Set to Reveal Tantalizing Clues to Planet's Early Years

A planetary stethoscope will soon be on its way to listen to the heartbeat of Mars.

­niverse's First Moments Mimicked with ­ltracool Atoms
From ACM News

­niverse's First Moments Mimicked with ­ltracool Atoms

Cosmologists think that in its first moments, the Universe ballooned from a subatomic size to bigger than a grapefruit. But testing theories about this period is...

How to Blow Up a Star
From ACM News

How to Blow Up a Star

After spending three months trying to blow up a star, Hans-Thomas Janka and his team finally saw what they had been waiting for.

Need to Make a Molecule? Ask This AI for Instructions
From ACM News

Need to Make a Molecule? Ask This AI for Instructions

Chemists have a new lab assistant: artificial intelligence. Researchers have developed a "deep learning" computer program that produces blueprints for the sequences...

The Scant Science Behind Cambridge Analytica's Controversial Marketing Techniques 
From ACM News

The Scant Science Behind Cambridge Analytica's Controversial Marketing Techniques 

The practices of Cambridge Analytica, a data-analytics firm involved in US President Donald Trump's 2016 election campaign, have made headlines around the world...
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