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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Asteroid Ryugu Poses Landing Risks for Japanese Mission
From ACM News

Asteroid Ryugu Poses Landing Risks for Japanese Mission

After inspecting asteroid Ryugu for two months, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has revealed the sites where the Hayabusa2 spacecraft will touchdown...

A Toolkit for Data Transparency Takes Shape
From ACM News

A Toolkit for Data Transparency Takes Shape

Julia Stewart Lowndes studied metre-long Humboldt squid (Dosidicus gigas), tagging them to track their dives, as a graduate student at Stanford University in California...

How ­npaywall Is Transforming Open Science
From ACM News

How ­npaywall Is Transforming Open Science

After being kicked out of a hotel conference room where they had participated in a three-day open-science workshop and hackathon, a group of computer scientists...

LHC Physicists Embrace Brute-Force Approach to Particle Hunt
From ACM News

LHC Physicists Embrace Brute-Force Approach to Particle Hunt

A once-controversial approach to particle physics has entered the mainstream at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

CRISPR 'Barcodes' Map Mammalian Development in Exquisite Detail
From ACM News

CRISPR 'Barcodes' Map Mammalian Development in Exquisite Detail

For the first time, scientists have wielded CRISPR to track a mammal's development from a single egg into an embryo with millions of cells.

Thousands of exotic 'Topological' Materials Discovered through Sweeping Search
From ACM News

Thousands of exotic 'Topological' Materials Discovered through Sweeping Search

The already buzzing field of topological physics could be about to explode.

Entire Yeast Genome Squeezed Into One Lone Chromosome
From ACM News

Entire Yeast Genome Squeezed Into One Lone Chromosome

For millions of years, brewer's yeast and its close relatives have packed their DNA into 16 distinct chromosomes.

The Ethics of Computer Science: This Researcher Has a Controversial Proposal
From ACM TechNews

The Ethics of Computer Science: This Researcher Has a Controversial Proposal

Brent Hecht, chair of ACM's Future of Computing Academy, proposes revising the peer review process to ensure scientists report negative societal consequences of...

The Hackers Teaching Old DNA Sequencers New Tricks
From ACM News

The Hackers Teaching Old DNA Sequencers New Tricks

In a basement storeroom at Stanford University in California, the guts of a dozen DNA sequencers lie exposed—hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cameras and...

The Ethics of Computer Science: This Researcher Has a Controversial Proposal
From ACM Opinion

The Ethics of Computer Science: This Researcher Has a Controversial Proposal

In the midst of growing public concern over artificial intelligence (AI), privacy and the use of data, Brent Hecht has a controversial proposal: the computer-science...

There's Water on Mars! Signs of Buried Lake Tantalize Scientists
From ACM News

There's Water on Mars! Signs of Buried Lake Tantalize Scientists

A large saltwater lake seems to lurk under ice near Mars's south pole.

A Record-Breaking Microscope
From ACM News

A Record-Breaking Microscope

In a paper Nature, Jiang et al.1 report the highest-magnification image ever obtained using a transmission electron microscope.

3D Image Reveals Hidden Neurons in Fruit-Fly Brain
From ACM News

3D Image Reveals Hidden Neurons in Fruit-Fly Brain

Scientists have produced a 3D image of a fruit fly's brain that's so detailed, researchers can trace connections between neurons across the entire organ.

CRISPR Gene Editing Produces ­nwanted DNA Deletions
From ACM News

CRISPR Gene Editing Produces ­nwanted DNA Deletions

Researchers have embraced CRISPR gene-editing as a method for altering genomes, but some are cautioning that unwanted DNA changes may slip by undetected.

South Africa Celebrates Completion of Gigantic, Super-Sensitive Telescop
From ACM News

South Africa Celebrates Completion of Gigantic, Super-Sensitive Telescop

Scientists and politicians in South Africa are together celebrating the official opening of a gigantic telescope that is already transforming astronomy research...

Speaking in Code: How to Program by Voice
From ACM News

Speaking in Code: How to Program by Voice

Debilitating hand pain is always bad news, but Harold Pimentel's was especially unwelcome.

Daring Japanese Mission Reaches ­nexplored Asteroid Ryugu
From ACM News

Daring Japanese Mission Reaches ­nexplored Asteroid Ryugu

After travelling for three-and-a-half years, the Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa-2 this week makes its final approach to the asteroid Ryugu.

New Human Gene Tally Reignites Debate
From ACM News

New Human Gene Tally Reignites Debate

One of the earliest attempts to estimate the number of genes in the human genome involved tipsy geneticists, a bar in Cold Spring Harbor, New York, and pure guesswork...

Massive Martian Dust Storm Endangers NASA Rover
From ACM News

Massive Martian Dust Storm Endangers NASA Rover

An enormous dust storm is blanketing much of Mars, blocking the sunlight that NASA's 15-year-old Opportunity rover needs to survive.

Tiny, Far-Flung Worlds Could Explain Outer Solar System's Strange Geometry
From ACM News

Tiny, Far-Flung Worlds Could Explain Outer Solar System's Strange Geometry

Hundreds of Moon-sized worlds may orbit the Sun far beyond Neptune, sculpting the geometry of the outer Solar System.
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