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subjectArtificial Intelligence

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

First Passages of Rolled-Up Herculaneum Scroll Revealed
From ACM TechNews

First Passages of Rolled-Up Herculaneum Scroll Revealed

On Monday, the winner of the Vesuvius Challenge was announced.

AI 'Breakthrough': Neural Net Has Human-Like Ability to Generalize Language
From ACM News

AI 'Breakthrough': Neural Net Has Human-Like Ability to Generalize Language

A neural-network-based artificial intelligence outperforms ChatGPT at quickly folding new words into its lexicon, a key aspect of human intelligence.

AlphaFold, Similar Tools Could Help Preparations for Next Pandemic
From ACM TechNews

AlphaFold, Similar Tools Could Help Preparations for Next Pandemic

Researchers increasingly are using artificial intelligence to help prepare for future pandemics.

AI Beats Human Sleuth at Finding Problematic Images in Research Papers
From ACM TechNews

AI Beats Human Sleuth at Finding Problematic Images in Research Papers

A study by independent U.K. biologist Sholto David found that artificial intelligence can identify image manipulation in research papers faster and more accurately...

AI Helps Scientists Eavesdrop on Endangered Pink Dolphin
From ACM News

AI Helps Scientists Eavesdrop on Endangered Pink Dolphin

Acoustic tracking technology could feed into conservation projects in the Amazon and beyond.

Synthetic Data Could Be Better Than Real Data
From ACM TechNews

Synthetic Data Could Be Better Than Real Data

Some researchers envision synthetic data as not only offering content that is close enough to actual data to preserve privacy, but also enabling production of better...

AI 'Fairness' Research Held Back by Lack of Diversity
From ACM News

AI 'Fairness' Research Held Back by Lack of Diversity

Authors of papers on the potential biases of artificial intelligence tools in health care are predominantly white, male and from high-income countries.

DeepMind Invents Faster Algorithms to Solve Tough Math Puzzles
From ACM TechNews

DeepMind Invents Faster Algorithms to Solve Tough Math Puzzles

Researchers at AI laboratory DeepMind have created an algorithm that can solve tough mathematical calculations with improved computing efficiency.

Journals Adopt AI to Spot Duplicated Images in Manuscripts
From ACM TechNews

Journals Adopt AI to Spot Duplicated Images in Manuscripts

At least four publishers are using artificial intelligence to vet manuscripts for duplicate images.

Argument Technology for Debating with Humans
From ACM TechNews

Argument Technology for Debating with Humans

Project Debater is an IBM-developed artificial intelligence system that can engage with humans in debates.

Sharper Signals: How Machine Learning Is Cleaning Up Microscopy Images
From ACM TechNews

Sharper Signals: How Machine Learning Is Cleaning Up Microscopy Images

Researchers increasingly are using machine learning to eliminate noise from microscopy images.

TLDR: This AI Sums Up Research Papers in a Sentence
From ACM TechNews

TLDR: This AI Sums Up Research Papers in a Sentence

Software called TLDR (too long, didn't read) automatically produces one-sentence abstracts of research papers.

Why Deep Learning AIs Are So Easy to Fool
From ACM News

Why Deep Learning AIs Are So Easy to Fool

Artificial intelligence researchers are trying to fix the flaws of neural networks.

A More Human Approach to Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

A More Human Approach to Artificial Intelligence

Philosopher Andy Clark reflects on what it will take for artificially intelligent agents to become more capable.

AI Poker Bot Is First to Beat Professionals at Multiplayer Game
From ACM TechNews

AI Poker Bot Is First to Beat Professionals at Multiplayer Game

A new artificial intelligence program beat elite professional poker players at six-player no-limit Texas hold'em poker.

From Brueghel to Warhol: AI Enters the Attribution Fray
From ACM TechNews

From Brueghel to Warhol: AI Enters the Attribution Fray

Art historians are starting to utilize machine learning to provide empirical support for theories previously limited to the subjective eye of the beholders.

AI Pioneer: 'The Dangers of Abuse Are Very Real'
From ACM Opinion

AI Pioneer: 'The Dangers of Abuse Are Very Real'

Yoshua Bengio is one of three computer scientists who last week shared the US$1-million A. M. Turing award—one of the field's top prizes.

How Machine Learning Could Keep Dangerous DNA Out of Terrorists' Hands
From ACM News

How Machine Learning Could Keep Dangerous DNA Out of Terrorists' Hands

Biologists the world over routinely pay companies to synthesize snippets of DNA for use in the laboratory or clinic.

Europe’s AI Researchers Launch Professional Body Over Fears of Falling Behind
From ACM News

Europe’s AI Researchers Launch Professional Body Over Fears of Falling Behind

Universities on the continent are rapidly losing talent to industry in the United States and China, say scientists behind the initiative.

Machine Learning Spots Natural Selection at Work in Human Genome
From ACM News

Machine Learning Spots Natural Selection at Work in Human Genome

Pinpointing where and how the human genome is evolving can be like hunting for a needle in a haystack.
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