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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Why Scientists Are Delving into the Virtual World
From ACM TechNews

Why Scientists Are Delving into the Virtual World

A growing number of scientific researchers are using virtual reality (VR) technology in the lab, often to more easily collaborate with distant colleagues, or simply...

AI Helps Scientists Eavesdrop on Endangered Pink Dolphin
From ACM News

AI Helps Scientists Eavesdrop on Endangered Pink Dolphin

Acoustic tracking technology could feed into conservation projects in the Amazon and beyond.

A Pink Rover Tackles the Red Planet, Barriers for Women in Science
From ACM TechNews

A Pink Rover Tackles the Red Planet, Barriers for Women in Science

A team from Australia placed second in the University Rover Challenge in Hanksville, UT, with a pink-colored robotic rover.

Synthetic Data Could Be Better Than Real Data
From ACM TechNews

Synthetic Data Could Be Better Than Real Data

Some researchers envision synthetic data as not only offering content that is close enough to actual data to preserve privacy, but also enabling production of better...

'Spell-Checker for Statistics' Reduces Errors in Psychology Literature
From ACM TechNews

'Spell-Checker for Statistics' Reduces Errors in Psychology Literature

The statcheck online tool developed by Michèle Nuijten at Tilburg University in the Netherlands has reduced statistical errors in scientific papers.

Quantum Computer Hits Key Milestone by Reducing Errors
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computer Hits Key Milestone by Reducing Errors

Google physicists have demonstrated that making their quantum code bigger can reduce the error rate of calculations.

Underdog Technologies Gain Ground in Quantum-Computing Race
From ACM News

Underdog Technologies Gain Ground in Quantum-Computing Race

Individual atoms trapped by optical 'tweezers' are emerging as a promising computational platform.

DeepMind Invents Faster Algorithms to Solve Tough Math Puzzles
From ACM TechNews

DeepMind Invents Faster Algorithms to Solve Tough Math Puzzles

Researchers at AI laboratory DeepMind have created an algorithm that can solve tough mathematical calculations with improved computing efficiency.

'Papermill Alarm' Software Flags Potentially Fake Papers
From ACM TechNews

'Papermill Alarm' Software Flags Potentially Fake Papers

Adam Day at U.K.-based data services company Clear Skies developed a software tool that highlights potentially bogus scientific papers.

Dual Use of AI-powered Drug Discovery
From ACM News

Dual Use of AI-powered Drug Discovery

An international security conference explored how artificial intelligence technologies for drug discovery could be misused for de novo design of biochemical weapons...

Robots Rise to Meet the Challenge of Caring for Older Adults
From ACM TechNews

Robots Rise to Meet the Challenge of Caring for Older Adults

Robotic assistants could be used in nursing and retirement homes to help seniors care for themselves and assist with chores.

Journals Adopt AI to Spot Duplicated Images in Manuscripts
From ACM TechNews

Journals Adopt AI to Spot Duplicated Images in Manuscripts

At least four publishers are using artificial intelligence to vet manuscripts for duplicate images.

Mathematicians Welcome Computer-assisted Proof in 'Grand Unification' Theory
From ACM News

Mathematicians Welcome Computer-assisted Proof in 'Grand Unification' Theory

Proof-assistant software handles an abstract concept at the cutting edge of research, revealing a bigger role for software in mathematics.

Argument Technology for Debating with Humans
From ACM TechNews

Argument Technology for Debating with Humans

Project Debater is an IBM-developed artificial intelligence system that can engage with humans in debates.

Sharper Signals: How Machine Learning Is Cleaning Up Microscopy Images
From ACM TechNews

Sharper Signals: How Machine Learning Is Cleaning Up Microscopy Images

Researchers increasingly are using machine learning to eliminate noise from microscopy images.

Challenge to Scientists: Does Your Ten-Year-Old Code Still Run?
From ACM News

Challenge to Scientists: Does Your Ten-Year-Old Code Still Run?

Missing documentation and obsolete environments force participants in the Ten Years Reproducibility Challenge to get creative.

Why Deep Learning AIs Are So Easy to Fool
From ACM News

Why Deep Learning AIs Are So Easy to Fool

Artificial intelligence researchers are trying to fix the flaws of neural networks.

Julia: Come for the Syntax, Stay for the Speed
From ACM TechNews

Julia: Come for the Syntax, Stay for the Speed

The open-source Julia language combines the speed of "compiled" languages such as Fortran and C with the interactivity and syntax of "scripting" languages such...

AI Poker Bot Is First to Beat Professionals at Multiplayer Game
From ACM TechNews

AI Poker Bot Is First to Beat Professionals at Multiplayer Game

A new artificial intelligence program beat elite professional poker players at six-player no-limit Texas hold'em poker.

Algorithms Spot Millions of California's Tiniest Quakes in Historical Data
From ACM News

Algorithms Spot Millions of California's Tiniest Quakes in Historical Data

When it comes to earthquakes, large, destructive ones dominate the headlines.
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