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subjectComputer Systems

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Chatbot Shows Talent for Predicting Chemical Properties, Reactions
From ACM TechNews

Chatbot Shows Talent for Predicting Chemical Properties, Reactions

Researchers adapted GPT-3, the large language model behind ChatGPT, to answer questions about chemical compounds or materials.

Quantum-Computing Approach Uses Single Molecules as Qubits for First Time
From ACM TechNews

Quantum-Computing Approach Uses Single Molecules as Qubits for First Time

Two teams of researchers made pairs of calcium monofluoride molecules interact to become entangled, a necessity for quantum computers to perform algorithms.

Universities Train Engineers for the Quantum Future
From ACM TechNews

Universities Train Engineers for the Quantum Future

Colleges are starting the process of educating future engineers in topics such as how quantum computing hardware components work and how to write quantum computing...

Keeping Secrets in a Quantum World
From ACM TechNews

Keeping Secrets in a Quantum World

Cryptographers are working on data-encryption schemes strong enough to withstand attacks from future quantum computers.

AI Beats Human Sleuth at Finding Problematic Images in Research Papers
From ACM TechNews

AI Beats Human Sleuth at Finding Problematic Images in Research Papers

A study by independent U.K. biologist Sholto David found that artificial intelligence can identify image manipulation in research papers faster and more accurately...

How to Introduce Quantum Computers Without Slowing Economic Growth
From ACM News

How to Introduce Quantum Computers Without Slowing Economic Growth

To smooth the path of the quantum revolution, researchers and governments must predict and prepare for the traps ahead.

Quantum Computer Hits Key Milestone by Reducing Errors
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computer Hits Key Milestone by Reducing Errors

Google physicists have demonstrated that making their quantum code bigger can reduce the error rate of calculations.

Underdog Technologies Gain Ground in Quantum-Computing Race
From ACM News

Underdog Technologies Gain Ground in Quantum-Computing Race

Individual atoms trapped by optical 'tweezers' are emerging as a promising computational platform.

Dual Use of AI-powered Drug Discovery
From ACM News

Dual Use of AI-powered Drug Discovery

An international security conference explored how artificial intelligence technologies for drug discovery could be misused for de novo design of biochemical weapons...

Mathematicians Welcome Computer-assisted Proof in 'Grand Unification' Theory
From ACM News

Mathematicians Welcome Computer-assisted Proof in 'Grand Unification' Theory

Proof-assistant software handles an abstract concept at the cutting edge of research, revealing a bigger role for software in mathematics.

Algorithms Spot Millions of California's Tiniest Quakes in Historical Data
From ACM News

Algorithms Spot Millions of California's Tiniest Quakes in Historical Data

When it comes to earthquakes, large, destructive ones dominate the headlines.

Mars Methane Hunt Comes ­p Empty, Flummoxing Scientists
From ACM News

Mars Methane Hunt Comes ­p Empty, Flummoxing Scientists

A spacecraft that was supposed to solve the mystery of methane on Mars has instead compounded scientists' confusion.

Black Hole Pictured for First Time, in Spectacular Detail
From ACM News

Black Hole Pictured for First Time, in Spectacular Detail

Astronomers have finally glimpsed the blackness of a black hole. By stringing together a global network of radio telescopes, they have for the first time produced...

Japanese Space Probe Drops Explosive on Asteroid Ryugu
From ACM News

Japanese Space Probe Drops Explosive on Asteroid Ryugu

For the past year, space probe Hayabusa2 has pelted asteroid Ryugu with bouncing probes, shot a bullet at it, and taken a bite of it—all for science.

AI Pioneer: 'The Dangers of Abuse Are Very Real'
From ACM Opinion

AI Pioneer: 'The Dangers of Abuse Are Very Real'

Yoshua Bengio is one of three computer scientists who last week shared the US$1-million A. M. Turing award—one of the field's top prizes.

GPS Glitch Threatens Thousands of Scientific Instruments
From ACM News

GPS Glitch Threatens Thousands of Scientific Instruments

Researchers worldwide are racing to get ahead of a bug in the US Global Positioning System (GPS) that could cause data loggers, including thousands of scientific...

Beware of Plausible Predictions of Fantasy Materials
From ACM Opinion

Beware of Plausible Predictions of Fantasy Materials

The hunt is on for materials that have exotic properties, to enhance quantum computers, touch screens and electronic displays, and to double the efficiency of solar...

Siberia's Ancient Ghost Clan Starts to Surrender Its Secrets
From ACM News

Siberia's Ancient Ghost Clan Starts to Surrender Its Secrets

Samantha Brown didn't have high hopes when she opened the ziplock bag containing some 700 shards of bone. It would be a lot of work to analyse them and none was...

Japan's Hayabusa2 Craft Touches Down on Asteroid Ryugu
From ACM News

Japan's Hayabusa2 Craft Touches Down on Asteroid Ryugu

It was a brief but historic tap on the surface of the asteroid Ryugu, at 7:29 am Japan time on 22 February. The Hayabusa2 spacecraft touched down at its target...

Gravitational-Wave Observatory LIGO Set to Double Its Detecting Power
From ACM News

Gravitational-Wave Observatory LIGO Set to Double Its Detecting Power

Spotting gravitational waves is due to become an almost hourly event in the next decade. Starting around 2023, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory...
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