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Communications of the ACM


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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorNeil Savage

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Social Network Data Reveals Non-Members' Secrets
From ACM News

Social Network Data Reveals Non-Members' Secrets

People who avoid social networking sites to maintain their privacy may not be as secure as they think, German computer scientists say. 

Game Changer
From Communications of the ACM

Game Changer

Judea Pearl's passionate advocacy of the importance of probability and causality helped revolutionize artificial intelligence.

Automating Scientific Discovery
From Communications of the ACM

Automating Scientific Discovery

Computer scientists are teaching machines to run experiments, make inferences from the data, and use the results to conduct new experiments.

Better Medicine Through Machine Learning
From Communications of the ACM

Better Medicine Through Machine Learning

Computers that tease out patterns from clinical data could improve patient diagnosis and care.

Sorting Through Photos
From Communications of the ACM

Sorting Through Photos

Teaching computers to understand pictures could lead to search engines capable of identifying and organizing large datasets of visual information.

Information Theory After Shannon
From Communications of the ACM

Information Theory After Shannon

Purdue University's Science of Information Center seeks new principles to answer the question 'What is information?'

Cycling Through Data
From Communications of the ACM

Cycling Through Data

Sensor-equipped bicycles are providing valuable data to cyclists, city planners, and computer scientists.

New Search Challenges and Opportunities
From Communications of the ACM

New Search Challenges and Opportunities

If search engines can extract more meaning from text and better understand what people are looking for, the Web's resources could be accessed more effectively.
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