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Communications of the ACM


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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectInformation Systems
authorNeil Savage

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Revamping Python for an AI World
From Communications of the ACM

Revamping Python for an AI World

Mojo has the same syntax as Python, but runs up to 35,000 times faster.

After Twitter
From ACM News

After Twitter

New social apps arise to challenge troubled Twitter.

The Rise of the Chatbots
From Communications of the ACM

The Rise of the Chatbots

How do we keep track of the truth when bots are becoming increasingly skilled liars?

Locking Down Secure Open Source Software
From Communications of the ACM

Locking Down Secure Open Source Software

Can even secure open source software ever be considered truly safe?

Virtual Duplicates
From Communications of the ACM

Virtual Duplicates

Digital twins aim to model reality so we can see how it changes.

Catching the Fakes
From Communications of the ACM

Catching the Fakes

Applying neural networks to images helps identify counterfeit goods.

Fact-Finding Mission
From Communications of the ACM

Fact-Finding Mission

Artificial intelligence provides automatic fact-checking and fake news detection, but with limits.

Tracking COVID, Discreetly
From Communications of the ACM

Tracking COVID, Discreetly

Tracing the contacts of those who come into contact with the coronavirus is not that simple.

A New Movement in Seismology
From Communications of the ACM

A New Movement in Seismology

Unused telecom fiber might be used to detect earthquakes, uncover other secrets in the soil.

Going Serverless
From Communications of the ACM

Going Serverless

Serverless computing lets businesses and application developers focus on the program they need to run, without worrying about the machine on which it runs, or the...

The Key to Privacy
From Communications of the ACM

The Key to Privacy

40 years ago, Whitfield Diffie and Martin E. Hellman introduced the public key cryptography used to secure today's online transactions.

Artificial Precognition ­ses Data to See the Future
From ACM News

Artificial Precognition ­ses Data to See the Future

Using large data sets and machine learning to recognize unseen patterns.

Split Second
From Communications of the ACM

Split Second

The issue of whether to add a "leap second" to square the clock with the Earth's orbit pits time specialists against IT.

Head-Mounted Displays to Aid the Disabled
From ACM News

Head-Mounted Displays to Aid the Disabled

Products like the Oculus Rift and Google Glass could help ameliorate physical and perceptual impairments.

Forging Relationships
From Communications of the ACM

Forging Relationships

Michael Stonebraker didn't realize at the outset that it would take six years to create INGRES, one of the world's first relational databases.

Plenty of Proteins
From Communications of the ACM

Plenty of Proteins

The growth of structural biology brings new challenges for the world's protein data archive.

Visualizing Sound
From Communications of the ACM

Visualizing Sound

New techniques capture speech by looking for the vibrations it causes.

Software Tackles Inflatable Structures
From ACM News

Software Tackles Inflatable Structures

Creating optimal 3D shapes in inflatables requires the power of computation.

The Power of Memory
From Communications of the ACM

The Power of Memory

In-memory databases promise speedier processing.

Time For a Change
From Communications of the ACM

Time For a Change

4D printing combines the dimension of time with the hope of building objects with new capabilities.
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