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subjectHuman Computer Interaction
authorNetwork World

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Darpa Wants Software That Adapts, Lasts Over 100 Years
From ACM TechNews

Darpa Wants Software That Adapts, Lasts Over 100 Years

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has launched a project to develop software systems that can adapt and survive for more than 100 years. 

DARPA Accelerates ­ltimate Automated Pilot Software
From ACM TechNews

DARPA Accelerates ­ltimate Automated Pilot Software

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has awarded its first contracts to vendors to build an automated system designed to reduce pilot fatigue. 

Can Drones Hunt With Wolf Pack-Like Success? DARPA Thinks So
From ACM TechNews

Can Drones Hunt With Wolf Pack-Like Success? DARPA Thinks So

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency wants to enable groups of drones to operate collaboratively under the supervision of a single human commander...

10 Cool Network and Computing Research Projects
From ACM News

10 Cool Network and Computing Research Projects

If you think the latest enterprise and consumer network and computer technologies rolling into your data center and being snuck into your offices by end users are...

What Advanced Tech Will Dominate Your Car By 2025? IBM Knows
From ACM TechNews

What Advanced Tech Will Dominate Your Car By 2025? IBM Knows

An IBM study on the future of automotive technologies found self-healing cars and connections to the Internet of Things are the wave of the future. 

U.s. Intelligence Wants High-Tech Access to the Most Prodigious Sensor of All: Humans
From ACM TechNews

U.s. Intelligence Wants High-Tech Access to the Most Prodigious Sensor of All: Humans

The U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity is doing research for its Future Applications of Sense Technology for Fidelitous Wearable Devices program...

Wellesley College Researchers Seek the Truth via Twitter Trails
From ACM TechNews

Wellesley College Researchers Seek the Truth via Twitter Trails

Researchers at Wellesley College in Massachusetts have developed a tool that examines how true and false stories propagate on Twitter. 

Researchers' New App Outs Iphone and Android Phone Energy Hogs
From ACM TechNews

Researchers' New App Outs Iphone and Android Phone Energy Hogs

New, free iOS and Android software identifies which apps drain the most power from device batteries. 

Hacking Traffic Lights With a Laptop Is Easy
From ACM TechNews

Hacking Traffic Lights With a Laptop Is Easy

Security researchers with permission from local road authorities hacked into nearly 100 wirelessly networked traffic lights and were able to change the lights on...

A Major Mystery Behind Microsoft's 'brain-Like' Speech-to-Speech Translator
From ACM TechNews

A Major Mystery Behind Microsoft's 'brain-Like' Speech-to-Speech Translator

New speech-to-speech translation technology from Microsoft becomes better at learning a language as it learns additional languages. 

MIT Researchers Bring Javascript to Google Glass
From ACM TechNews

MIT Researchers Bring Javascript to Google Glass

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed WearScript, a Javascript environment that runs on Google Glass. 

Artificial Intelligence Challenge: Could a Robot Give Its Own Ted Talk?
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence Challenge: Could a Robot Give Its Own Ted Talk?

The TED organization has partnered with X Prize to develop a competition to have an AI-based robot "deliver a compelling TED Talk with no human involvement." 

Microsoft Can Make the Walls of Your Room Display Web Pages
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Can Make the Walls of Your Room Display Web Pages

SurroundWeb is a prototype system for displaying Web pages on multiple projectors to display information on the walls of a room. 

Researchers Dare AI Experts to Crack New Gotcha Password Scheme
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Dare AI Experts to Crack New Gotcha Password Scheme

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have developed GOTCHA, Generating panOptic Turing Tests to Tell Computers and Humans Apart, a password system based on visual...

Crowd-Funding Is Working For Open Source Projects
From ACM TechNews

Crowd-Funding Is Working For Open Source Projects

The company behind the LiveCode development tool has used crowd-funding to raise the money it needs (and more) to create an open source edition of its software. ...

Ibm: In the Next 5 Years Computers Will Learn, Mimic the Human Senses
From ACM TechNews

Ibm: In the Next 5 Years Computers Will Learn, Mimic the Human Senses

A new generation of machines that learn, adapt, sense, and experience the world as humans do through the five basic senses is one of the technologies highlighted...

Java Inventor James Gosling Building Smart Marine Robots
From ACM TechNews

Java Inventor James Gosling Building Smart Marine Robots

Java inventor James Gosling is using Java's security framework to design marine robots that can be sent across the ocean to gather weather data or carry out research...

Microsoft Researcher: Passwords Aren't Dead But They Need Fixing
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Researcher: Passwords Aren't Dead But They Need Fixing

Password use needs an overhaul that is driven by understanding the damage that can be done when password security is compromised, and researchers need to quantify...

From ACM Careers

How to Get Your Kid Into an Elite Computer Science Program

Robotics competitions, programming skills tip the scales for college applicants; being a girl helps.

From ACM News

Gartner: 10 Key It Trends For 2012

If you had to pick 10 technology-related trends that will affect your enterprise infrastructure in the coming year, Gartner says you'd do well to start with virtualization...
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